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  • Shaggy1er
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Jul 06 2022 7:47 am

I think we will have to think aboyt galactics stock and price develpment.
for the moment players becom astro traders not astro wars :)

Price increase is really too fast
and it seem price never decrease even if players sell stocks

Economics only 6 investors , 30 or more a week ago and price still increase


  • Sirbelial
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Jul 06 2022 8:00 am

I think that the real problem is that you don’t know why grow up the prices of economical, archival and politics…

Economical = the price depend on investors in (economical+archival+politics)
Archival = the price depend on the SU that people is buying…
Politicals = the price depend on wars (bombards+combats…)

  • Maldoror
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Jul 06 2022 10:52 am

That's because of no regulations,
told it weeks ago...

Do not go gentle into that good night Rage, rage against the dying of the light
  • Cccookieee
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Jul 07 2022 1:19 pm

@Sirbelial where did you find this info?