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  • Shaggy1er
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Jun 25 2022 5:44 am

Hello shadowing
Can you please explain New button progressive map please .
When i asked for progressive begin as it was in old aw , it was :
New player start on the same map other pkayers !
The spiral give à home system à little removed from thé heart
Connection 2 days after official begin : bonus Pp (average production all players for 2 days)
5 days : bonus pp , average culture znd science other players
By exemple connection 10 days later , player start with culture 3

Your progressive map is ok with this


  • Shadowing
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Jun 26 2022 1:50 am

Oh it's a different game play I'm gonna try out.

15 to 20 players to a map. Small map. No alliances. Players will maps and move up to a higher lol map. Game play month or less according to the map level.
Good for noobs to learn the game. Give players more to do when logged in.

I'm still gonna give new players or restarting players a boost for Galaxy.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it