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  • Shadowing
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Jun 16 2022 1:37 pm

Old Astrowars had it where your max number of supply units you can store was equal to your player level.

Do we really need that rule? Seems pointless to me.

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Jun 16 2022 2:06 pm

I actually liked that rule. It put a cap on supply unit purchases. Supply unit cost was always driven by demand. The more people buying them the higher their value. Supply units were a slight form of stocks. If you got one early and held it you could sell it for more. But with it being tied to player level it created a sort of limited market. Only so many could be purchased in a day in the whole game. With no limit if su is tied to demand I can see price manipulation happening. Possibly.

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Jun 16 2022 2:10 pm

But with the random generation of SU that sort of negates the limit. If they can be randomly found, and I was at my limit that would mean I need to get rid of them. And with the "stock" market, should SU and artifacts have a fluctuating price?

Garby, Lord of the dance
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Jun 16 2022 2:30 pm

Aw used to have a stock market. It was removed from the game. There was a reason. Just don’t remember what it was. The limit to buy SU should be set to your PL and orders filled twice in a 24 hour period. If there is no set time for SU purchases to process then the limit is useless as one could buy, use, and buy again with in minutes. No limit to how many you can own. Just a limit on purchasing

  • Shadowing
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Jun 16 2022 3:03 pm

If the old stock market was simply based on buying and selling of the stock and nothing else than it would be super easy for a group of people to manipulate it. We had the problem on my other game System Lords. So thats probably why it was disabled.

Even with a time limited to sell and buy that wouldn't fix the issue.

Now for SU's
same here time limits wouldn't do to much.
But the ability to only own so many would only change how many players you would need to manipulate it lol.

So ya this is a large issue.

I thought about just doing flat costs for artifacts.
SU will alter in price but in my own special way lmao.
I was gonna use the average of all 3 stocks to decide the price of SU. Economics, politics and Archival

My stock system does work by the selling and buying of the indidvaul stock except with a added 2nd thing where each stock is effected on different stuff going on in the game. War, finding artifacts, etc..

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Jun 16 2022 3:35 pm

I guess my only concern with no su limit or the limit being tied to something involving fighting is with the number of open planets available I believe we will see a significant downturn in fighting within the game. It is low as it is and the no limit might exacerbate it till we have less space.

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Jun 16 2022 3:43 pm


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Jun 16 2022 3:56 pm

WE are discussing over trading and maximizing Output....
But for what?

AS Long there is No active and correct scoring, there cannot be a Winner or whatever...

And in fact, thats the clue why WE are playing this strategic Game...

Just my 2cents


  • Darthtang
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Jun 16 2022 4:41 pm

Very good point IVY. I am thinking after those parameters have been established is all.

  • Maldoror
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Jun 16 2022 4:55 pm

Shadowing wrote
Do we really need that rule?

The basic answer is

Do not go gentle into that good night Rage, rage against the dying of the light
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Jun 16 2022 5:29 pm


You did a quite good Job in getting AW rebirthed...


If you Look on the Players who joined Last weeks, you will See many old Guys who were addicted to the simple and really mind-outworking gameplay.

Too many renewals will make the Game smooth and fairy, for what the lovers will hate it.

I really cannot believe, that this is your Intention....

There is a coder's Word:
Never Run a changing system...


I am beginning To miss the simplicity

Another Cent