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Jun 04 2022 1:46 pm

So there has been a lot of talk about the prices of certain units and buildings. The purpose of this forum post is to show why the changes exist and to let everyone know the plans for the future.

The very first thing everyone needs to know is every cost and level table in the game is the same exact one used in old Astro Wars. All I did was multiply the tables. You can read old astro wars forum here. I'm still working on fixing all the links in the guide. If you use right click and open links into a new tab from the main link it will help get you around.

So when I first started building Astro Wars I really didn't care for how slow the game was in the first 2 weeks of playing Astro Wars back in the days. In my opinion its just ridiculously way to slow. Off putting to new players and even old players when restarting. Of course there is still a lot of people who liked it starting out that slow and we may one day even have server called Old School that will be slow like that.

For the longest time I thought cycles in the old game was every hour and not every 15 minutes. So because of this it threw me off on how I could speed the game up a little. (Also please note the current speed of the game is set for testing feature and finding bugs fast.) So I decided to set cycles to happen every 5 minutes. With this setting change the game was running way to fast. (Which I thought anyways) So I changed the price to all ships and defense buildings times 12 but set the other buildings x4 of way to control the game speed. So that is why the production buildings are x4 its how im controlling the speed of the game.

Now of course I could keep cycles happening every hour and keep the building changes but I wanted cycles to happen more often to keep new players from wandering away from the game so fast. Having to wait every 5 minutes is better than a hour. Keep in mind again I thought cycles were one hour on the old Astro Wars game. Now that I know it was just 15 minutes a cycle I can do it a bit different for next server. I plan to put all building costs back to where they were in old astro wars and just leave the cycles at 5 minutes. Making the server 3 times faster. I'm gonna test this first though on a test server. Cause it sure did feel crazy fast I thought when I tried it in the past.

The Current Server Changes.
Lot of people talking about the cost change on Starbases. I'm not really sure what to say here really. If price of ships is x12 then the Star bases would need to be as well. It uses the same exact table as old Astro Wars its just x12 on the costs. I'm not sure why there are people having a hard time understanding this. Why would you raise ship cost and not defense buildings. Everyone would of ended up with level 40 star bases on all their planets.

Colony Ships price not matching transports.
This ship is the same regardless of its price because the points you get when disbanding the ship is still divided by 4.

Lets do some math.

Current Cost of 60 production points(PP) per ship
36 Colony Ships x 60 equals 2,160(PP)
When you disband 36 ships you get 540(PP)

Cost if Ships were 720 per ship
3 Colony Ships x 720 equals 2,160(PP)
When you disband the 3 ships you get 540(PP)

As you can see it doesnt matter what we set the cost of Colony Ship to long as it always divides by 4 and of course the price is able to divide by 4 evenly. Why did I set it cheaper if it makes no difference? Simple answer to that is so we dont have two ships the same price. It just looks better.

So hopefully I have explained everything and everyone can see the cost of stuff is not solid yet. I like the speed right now for testing though. Allowing everyone to find bugs fast so I can get them fixed fast. Imagine if the game was slow like old Astro Wars. Id get all the fighting bug reports 2 months from now instead of now.

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Jun 04 2022 1:55 pm

Keep up the good work.

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Jun 04 2022 2:01 pm

I think one of the arguments for the CS and TR being the same cost is that they both do some similar function, obtaining a new planet. Why would I spend 12 times the cost to use a TR to take a planet when I could just colonize one? It just seems conducive to farming instead of fighting.

Otherwise, your logic is sound.

Garby, Lord of the dance
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Jun 04 2022 2:12 pm

Garby you arn't considering the value of a production point in your math.

Disbanding one colony ship is 15 points. 15 points is like nothing to start a planet with cause the buildings are all x4 the cost.

I guess if you are trying to take over a planet with 1 or two population

Now that im thinking about it maybe transports should be x4 and not x12.
Ya thats what im missing I think. Ya cause the cost should go with the speed and the speed is the cost of the production buildings.

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Jun 04 2022 2:42 pm

Right, so if I take over a planet with pop 10, I have to spend 7200 pp, I can buy 120 colony ships and then have 1800 pp to build. With building destruction on a planet, and the cost of war, there is little reason to not just farm new planets.

Garby, Lord of the dance
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Jun 05 2022 8:09 am

What everyone loses Out of sight, is that TR are used for tactical Attack Missions.
To weaken an opponent, popkill Missions were usual Part of the Business.

1 to reduce production and science Output
2 to reduce the Points in Score Ranking

The actual price will make those Missions nearly Impossible, as those Players usually were speedfighters(who logically dont have high PP Output).

There is No reason for the high TR prices, Else you want to get it physically Managed to avoid war actions.

The Relation between defense and Attack (price of DS in Relation to Price of SB) cannot be evaluated, as i really cant relate the damage/price Relation actually.(maybe one can help to Set calculations)

Defense allways has been cheaper than offense, so this has to be kept in Mind ,of course.


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Jun 05 2022 8:42 am

Totaly exact, SB price was basicaly aligned to buildings for this reason, def is cheapear than attack.

A simple exemple of this is that everyone knows that you can kill a millions dollars jet fighter with a costless air to ground rocket.

Considering only the price ratio between war ships and def is totaly inappropriate, a severe mistake which goes against all logics and tactics.

Make a difference of price between the colo and the transports is also a bad move, colo have the strong power to bring life to an empty planet, transports have the strong power to destroy it, that's why theirs cost must be the same (60 x 12)

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Apr 15 2023 8:09 pm

was this just a short term revival of the great AW

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Apr 28 2023 3:07 pm

Nah its coming. Planning on buying a ton of advertising too soon as I finish up a arena shooter game working on.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it