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  • Lostone
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May 19 2012 8:51 pm

Subtle. ;) Ah well, we both have a good point. Still think mine is better, but you phrased yours so nicely. ;D

  • Dmonix
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May 19 2012 11:17 pm

[quote author=Lost One link=topic=26.msg300#msg300 date=1337454634]<br />I would rather pay and have something that will work, guaranteed, instead of having to beg for help from a bunch of people who know hardly anything more than I do.<br />Leave it to the professionals if you want something done right. ;)<br />[/quote]<br /><br />Bold statement when referring to computer technology. Open source does not mean unprofessional, look at Linux as a perfect example as probably the best operating system on the market (Mobile operating systems excluded because Android is awesome) once you get used to it.<br /><br />An open source community means more input from people that may not know much more than you do but the team behind the main system are professionals trying to get their name and their software out there.<br /><br />I&#039;ve looked at SMF code before and it does seem simple once you get into it and an open community means more input for awesome stuff, a basic example would be the amount of themes you could get from even a small community compared to a professional closed group.<br /><br />Although I do remember from my final year project last year SMF can be incredibly finicky and bweh at the best of times.

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May 19 2012 11:21 pm

That was about open source forum software vs. licensed forum software, not open source in general although a lot of points carry across. :)<br />Your points are valid, of course.

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May 22 2012 1:08 pm

Open source is wonderful as often people with extraordinary programming skills are actually doing something else as a career and so you don&#039;t get their contributions anywhere except for in open source. MyBB3 is also a fairly good open source forum system. I can&#039;t say that I have dealt a lot with forum code in particular, but I have webmastered many sites and that is one that is fairly user friendly from the webmaster point of view.

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May 23 2012 5:23 pm

*stalks in the shadows and records the knowledge of these system lords to use to destroy them later.....*

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Jun 15 2012 4:54 pm

[quote author=Dmonix link=topic=26.msg135#msg135 date=1337388720]<br />As the title says<br /><br />I&#039;ve worked with SMF forums before I remember it being fairly easy to do if you add a new forum as a link that just redirects to the main page. It&#039;s a jippoed way of doing things but it would create the reverse link to the game from the forums.<br />[/quote]<br />This was quite a while ago, because its already done, was this all your idea?

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