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  • Seth007
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Jun 08 2018 7:54 am

I myself am a 32bit user and currently cannot upgrade to 64bit. Im sure there are many other users that cannot play this game because it only suports 64bit operating systems. I would definetly play this game if it were 32bit. So some time in the future, whenever its convenient, i would like to see 32bit support, even if it doesnt support all the game's features. I would also like this for System Lords as well as Ancient Rings.

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Jun 08 2018 9:16 am

Hey Seth probably never going to go support 32bit. In fact I may move to only supporting windows 10 for PC.

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Jun 08 2018 9:20 am

Ah, ok. Thanks for letting me know. =)

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Jun 08 2018 9:22 am

Sorry man the reason why is I would have to do separate builds for 32 bit. Its a lot more work on my part every time I do a update.
Ancient Rings early access will start in the fall. You have lots of time to get a computer upgrade. That's just first stage of early access. Open access will be in the winter sometime.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it
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Jun 08 2018 9:24 am

One more thing, will you be releasing this as a payed game or a free game? I understand if you want to go payed, a guy has to make a living after all.

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Jun 08 2018 11:48 am

Ya it will be $20 a month man. At first anyways. I've been considering having it free to play if the Kickstarter does well. So I may set a goal amount for this.
The main purpose of the subscription base is so I can grow 26horses fast and secure it's future. Will be able hire more help in etc.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it
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Jun 08 2018 12:35 pm

Good idea. Will this be for SL too?

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Jun 08 2018 12:48 pm

Ya I may do one subscription for all games.
I have alot games planned.
System Lords is gonna get more converted to a fair to play game too. It will still be free to play though but will allow for premium access.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it
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Jun 08 2018 1:07 pm

Will most be stargate games? I realy like your stargate games and are some of the only stargate games out there. Keep up the good work!

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Jun 08 2018 1:09 pm

Honestly man System Lords is gonna get a lot better when my time is freed up.
Nah I'm gonna make some non stargate games too. I have two planned.
But ya making a lot more stargate games too.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it
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Jun 08 2018 1:15 pm

Sounds realy good! What kinds of things might you release? One more thing, I have some problems playing SL on my mobile device. I can't move the map around and it may be because the screen is overcrowded by the UI so I cant see the methods youve already implimented.

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Jun 08 2018 1:18 pm

Are you using IOs or android.
I think I disabled drag on mobile for one of those devices until the next build here in a week.
should beable to use arrows though to move the map?

I plan for a RTS stargate game and a mobile action game too that is stargate.
Also plan to finish Ancient Squadron. Which is a flight combat game.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it
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