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Aug 27 2014 12:05 pm

I'm posting this under Bug Reports so that it may actually be read, and also because it's something that has BUGGED almost every active player at least one time or another. So I have a few quick suggestions/ideas about paid protection abuse and how to improve it. I am not trying to call anyone out, and this is not about anyone in particular, even though about 25 people are going to give me dishonourable under the assumption that it's about them, it's just something in general that has always been a problem and has been a big subject in chat and with my friends over the past few weeks.

1. I understand that people do actually have lives and go on vacations or need an undisturbed leave of absence to deal with work, and that needs to be kept in mind while coming up with a reasonable solution that doesn't screw them over--the people with lives.

People with the money to spend like to buy paid protection instead of vacation mode when they go away for a while, they get to build up naq and slaves, and it's a nice little bonus for 10 bucks. People do take vacations for 10 days, so it is not unreasonable to have a 2 in a row limit without cooldown on paid protection, but after the second one I believe there should be a 3 day-5day cool down before paid protection can be purchased again, and a 24 hour cool down before you can go into vacation mode. This will prevent people from living under protection mode when they're not really on vacation and have had a long enough break from the game, and it will keep the people that have to sit around and wait for their target that just hit them and is now in protection mode from doing it forever. It's a war game people, breaks are reasonable, but after a few weeks or months it's just absurd.

2. People like to buy protection as soon as someone launches a fleet at them, this happens at all levels of networth and may even be a delayed return hit from a less active player trying to take his station or war sat back, but it happens just too often. I am of the opinion that if someone has fleets en-rout to their stuff they should not be able to buy paid protection, just as they cannot reset themselves with fleets en-rout to them. However, this could be used for trolling/bulling players, so there should be a reasonable way out that is available to all players, spenders or non spenders, and that is vacation mode. Vacation mode has a 7 day cooldwon whenever the amount of days (up to 15) that you have selected is up, you can then buy protection if you are truly on vacation, and then using my idea above, buy it again and again. I suggest a 24 hour waiting period when you come out of vacation mode before buying protection to skip your 7 days without it.

24 hours is not such a long time that the average player will be attacked for no reason after just coming out of protection, however, it will screw over people that are using it to hide from someone when the person hunting them checks daily to see if they're out of vacation yet. Of course, it will only be available to spenders, and as many other things in this game, non spenders will just have to deal with it and spend days 16 through 22 of their vacation checking, thinking or stressing about the game. I don't see any other way to deal with the over use of free and paid protection without screwing over people who actually have a live (Not I).

I had a few drinks earlier tonight, so my apologies if I repeated thoughts, misplaced words, or have large chunks of text missing after accidentally highlighting and continuing typing over stuff...my computer does that...

-1-3 day cooldown after buying protection for the second time.
-24 hour cooldown before you can buy protection mode after coming out of vacation mode.
-Cant buy vacation with attacks en-rout to you.

So yeah. Suggestions? Improvements? Thoughts? keep in mind, I'm not trying to offend or screw anyone, just trying to suggest something that effects most people often.

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Aug 27 2014 12:32 pm

Players could just keep 1 Jaffa en-route to prevent resets and protection?

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Aug 27 2014 12:40 pm

Yeah, I mentioned something about that problem. You can go on vacation mode if they're trying to do that, just not paid protection.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Aug 27 2014 2:28 pm

So my thoughts. Number 1 you can't go into vacation or protection with in bound fleets from what i know. At least it didn't work for me. I also know you can't buy protection when someone sends 1 jaffa at you. Number 2, i don't think either protection or vacation should have a cool down. If someone wants to take a 2 month hiatus, they should be able too. Maybe if the people doing the attacks didn't act like shol'va s then they wouldn't have problems with people going into protection or vacation ;) I know i only did it as a last option after days of multiple attacks. Yes this is a war game and people should fight, but at some point people give up and are beaten up enough to where they want it to end... if people can't let up and are bound on reseting people then they deserve to sit there and wait for months just for being shol'va s.

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Aug 27 2014 5:34 pm

As someone who has used protection I feel it disqualifies me from arguing your points. I do like to note however that inbound fleets don't prevent you from going into protection they just stop more attacks. To be clear If you send one jaffa at a person. They can still go into protection. You just reverse or understand that he dies one very lonely jaffa. I may stop a reset and vacation however.

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Aug 27 2014 5:43 pm

set a qualifier to paid protection system:
not allowed to use protection if attacked another player 24 hours - 48 hours beforehand

this would jam those "pro-attacking" players that attack then jump immediately into protection.

for defenders:
keep same

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Aug 28 2014 2:33 pm

*super face palm* nobody got the point at all...

As it is now, you can't go into protection or vacation if you've attacked someone in the past 24 hours, that's not waht I'm talking about though... I'm saying, you shouldn't be able to ..........screw it, that first guy besides shadowing who commented is one of the people who abuses it, I'm sure. He's probably the worst of them...abatu or something like that. Ra gets it, I knwo taht. And that last guy to comment had no idea what this was about.

Keep ruining the game I guess.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Aug 28 2014 2:55 pm

I would also like to point out that it is not really fair that I can spydrone people while I am in protection and they can't spydrone me. It allows you to use protection for a strategic positioning especially now that you can leave early. While no one can see what it is that you are doing that needs to be fixed.

I hunt the hunters of hunting hunted sheep or something.