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Jul 26 2014 3:28 pm

Hi All,

There is a serious issue with players exploiting the game and no action has been taken. Below are the FACTS regarding this issue, and they are undisputed.

FACT 1 - On July 23rd, Ra8472 attacked one of my planets. I was unable to scan his techs so was unsure of the strength of his attack. I shared the news with my ally who came to help defend the attack. We were successful: http://imgur.com/vIze6Pe

FACT 2 - As a direct result of the attack, Ra8472's Status dropped to Goa'uld meaning he had less than 1500 status.

FACT 3 - After the attack, GDozer and other PE members shared in galaxy chat that we used an exploit. At the time, I had no idea what he was talking about. No member of our ally ever discussed any exploit in game or Skype.

FACT 4 - The next day, two different PE members reached out to me via Skype and explained how PE was using an exploit to gain status quickly. The exploit related to placing a small number of jaffa on any planet being attacked when you are confident the defender will win, then all defenders receive the full amount of status from the attack. They shared how PE was using several exploit since no action had ever been taken against players for exploiting, there was no risk involved. [Note - while I know this information to be true, I am not willing to "prove" it for obvious reasons. Feel free to disregard this item if you feel so inclined.]

FACT 5 - 48 hours after Ra8472 was Goa'uld status (less than 1500) he is now over 6500 status. http://imgur.com/g80piQL

FACT 6 - This issue is not related to a single PE member, but rather ALL their leaders and top members. Yesterday, Sobek sent a fleet on a bad attack. Many PE members sent a jaffa to the planet to exploit status. To be clear, they didn't send military to help defend from the attack, but purely to exploit the game.

Today, a similar bad attack was made by Mantuba. While I waited to long to collect evidence for all defenders, I was able to capture many of them:

1. Olek http://imgur.com/FyFOkX5 - 1 jaffa. They simply gate a jaffa in if it's a gated world, or gate to the nearest planet and send if not a gated world.

2. ToddTheWraith - http://imgur.com/0pBk18R 400 jaffa

3. Ra8472 - http://imgur.com/eXAg1vu 1 jaffa

4. GDozer - http://imgur.com/jzAGi3E 1 jaffa

5. LordOzwald - http://imgur.com/DvhmGTZ 5k jaffa

6. Sethron - http://imgur.com/ll3Q3fS 100 jaffa

The combined force of all these players is less value than 1 mothership. 5 of these players combined is less than 1 dg.

Furthermore, there were other player names you can see in these screenshots who also participated. Lastly, there were so many defenders the list is not complete.

Networth can be bought but Status was the one thing which had to be EARNED. Now a new player can go from 500 to God in less than 4 days.

The above screenshots offer blatantly clear evidence the leaders of PE (GDozer and Olek, each with 1 jaffa) along with all of their most active members are exploiting the game. I have made Shadowing aware of this issue. He is working hard to fix the bug but no direct action has been taken against any player for this exploit, despite the clear evidence provided.

Is the above not enough? Galaxy News repeatedly showed were Olek took I believe 5 space stations from players who were less than 10% of his networth. A specific example is Justephi's space station in sector 1-3. I have a warsat in that sector. I checked Justephi's SS the day before and his nw was 15k. It is clear he abandoned the game at least a month ago and his networth has not been above 50k in the past month. Olek's nw has not been below 400k. There was an exploit which allowed players to attack players sieging vacant planets and thereby "tag" the player. I can understand if a player does this one time and reports it, but Olek repeatedly took stations day after day. This exploit also would have allowed him to freely take any warsats, steal naq/slaves, etc. Olek's actions were clear, repeated and blatant. As per PE's own members, Olek clearly knew what he was doing, as if there could be any doubt.

Yesterday, Zerotee and Olek were attacking members who should be protected. This is another exploit PE discovered related to reinforcement which allows players to bypass protection. I wont share further details publicly as I have not reported this issue to Shadowing yet.

There is more but I will stick to the factual evidence above which cannot be disputed.

I believe Shadowing is a fantastic developer and a good person. I am sure he has his reasons for not taking action; however, I can't support this decision. Accordingly, I am stopping game play. If the game rules are enforced, I'll immediately return to the game. If not, it was great playing with everyone. I had an incredible time and lots of fun. This decision is made for myself and I do not ask anyone to follow it. If a new galaxy opens, and assurances are given that players exploiting the game will be punished, I will gladly come back as the game is really awesome.

This is a game. A source of entertainment and competition. A competitive challenge. That's what it is for me. When the game is so completely unbalanced in this manner, it takes away both the challenge and fun for me, so I can't support it.

I wish you all well.

PS. There is going to be drama and fallout over this post. Just to set the matter straight, I have a very strong sense of loyalty. When COV collapsed 2 weeks after I joined then, I stuck by their side. When I was threatened with being reset by the leaders of PE, I laughed and played on. They have a massive advantage with over 60% more nw and status, but with a great group of gamers by my side, I can deal with it, and have. I was the target of focused simultaneous attacks, yet I held my ground. I still have all ws planets and my SS count and status has done nothing but grow. I never complained. I didn't leave ally to run for safety. I didn't take protection or vacation. So I kindly suggest you consider my ACTIONS and the details above in the likely event mudslinging occurs and others attempt to distract players from the facts presented. The reason for my action is the blatant exploits. Any attempt to say otherwise is simply not true.

I hunt the sheep of war...
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Jul 26 2014 3:37 pm

Fact: You sat and took SS from lots of people all lower than yourself because you could

Fact: Once we at PE come knocking knowing we can hurt you all you do is complain and moan

Fact: Your a coward Running into protection dropping planets etc

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Jul 26 2014 3:42 pm

The "exploit" he's whining about which gave tags was reinforcing a world or SS that was going to be taken.

In Other words, not an exploit at all.

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Jul 26 2014 3:52 pm

I'd further like to point out that 3 of the players on the planet under attack by the multi mantuba were already God rank and had been for some time.

Our goal was to get a huge chat message involving the FS kill, we proved that it had limited player space on that day.

and taking 3 SS's from low networth players is not 'repeatedly and day after day' you pathetic sack of hypocritical crap.

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Jul 26 2014 3:54 pm

Also vitopian I would have sided with you here if you weren't such a jerk in galaxy chat. All hail Kelac! (The real one)

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Jul 26 2014 4:02 pm

So you and your mates exploit me you don't complain. Apparently that was game mechanics then. First of I got to imperator on my own by killing fleets. I didn't complain about it when it happened to me, certainly not happy. Part of playing the game is you lose internet connection you can lose. The things you posted yes made me emperor but again did I whine when it happened to me. Did I complain when your race/status gave you massive agent strength. No, that is the game. Just because I bought a butt load of jaffa doesn't mean I cheated your agent strength. Just because asgard fleet speed worked against dragnet doesn't mean it was a cheat. That it's why I took ag. Lose agent strength lose slave production gain speed. No you had to go right to shadowing. Waaaa he's too fast waaa they are using the thing I used against them, waaaa..... Please
I have lost a total of 350k net worth in 3 days and rebuilt. It's a game meant to generate conflict and strategic thought.
You stole like 80% of your ss and planets from dead accounts or obvious so called multi accounts that your friends used to consolidate power against us. Your picture in this chat shows exactly how much you wanted this conflict.So please number one exploit man stop acting like your the victim.
Stop crying like a baby. Act like a tool get treated like a tool the end.

I hunt the hunters of hunting hunted sheep or something.
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Jul 26 2014 4:07 pm

We did not knowingly exploit you. It was your attack that revealed the glitch to us. As soon as we discovered it, we reported it to Shadowing.

Krivon, God of Mongooses; Heraclysseus, God of Fate
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Jul 26 2014 4:14 pm

I'm pretty sure I lost 333 death gliders in that attack you used as an example, I was asleep for that one.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Jul 26 2014 4:18 pm

Funny you complained to shadowing. Still you kept your status he didn't contact me and ask what happened and I certainly didn't get back the status. He didn't fix the problem. But at least he knew about it. Makes perfect sense to me.

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Jul 26 2014 4:45 pm

Speaking of blatant cheating... One of your members has a "second account"...Er...wait, that's not allowed...."my daughter gave me all of her stations, she didn't want them."

We saw the same thing with minion that time his "wife" "didn't need" her stations. This guy originally called it a "second account" and after I said in the nicest way that multis aren't allowed the response was "lol I always use a second account in games like these" Few days later "second account" became 'my daughter this, my daughter that,' until all of a sudden 'she' gives all of 'her' stations to him and resets the account.

So yeah, I'm still kind of pissed that people have gotten away with that sort of thing, and I'm still waiting for that 1 account per household thing to happen. Cheating in this game is ridiculous and pisses me off, but Olek has always been against it, so I can't believe you for a second when you say that he's a problem.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Jul 26 2014 5:53 pm

Just got online to see this. This is pretty standard old school warlord tactics. You exploit, we catch you, stop allowing you to execute it, we get ahead legitimately and the whining commences.

I've been a god for quite some time now, before your new alliance even formed. The first day of the war I sent out 4 attacks at you guys, 3 of them had atleast 5 players chump blocking them (less than 25 jaffa), hours after that you guys do the same thing to Ra and gained literally 12,000 status from the attack (super bug). Players with no status, that you were trying to boost from us using that glitch; until of course I called you out on it. which is not all that surprising, considering your entire account is made up from multi's you cheated with and fed up on.

On the one we defended, half of us already had max status, and we set a new record for the amount of people popping a flagship. The others who didnt have max status only gained like 300 from that tiny attack. The names trailed out of the news report, we all had a huge laugh.

The protection "glitch" as you call it, was a viable tactic that shadowings known about for months. He removed it because you guys were complaining so much about get beaten. It was intended to work that way so that your allies couldnt lose ground without being able to recieve help from the alliance. Conveniently notice how all the changes took place and all tags removed while I was attacking you in particular with a fleet you couldnt defend, while simultaneously attacking 3 others that I had legitimate tags on who I had already knocked down. You crying to change the rules because you came out on the losing end of the conflict isnt us cheating.

I think the funniest aspect of your whole post however is in your last paragraph:
"PS.... I still have all ws planets (Wrong, I took Jaguar x3y22 from you first night.).... I never complained.(Youre complaining now)....I didn't leave ally to run for safety. I didn't take protection or vacation. (Youre in protection right now)... "


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Jul 26 2014 5:55 pm

Also, enjoy buying that protection forever, because when you come out we'll be continuing. I like how your bravery melted right after I take a SS from you. but try covering it up all you want.

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