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Jul 26 2014 8:54 pm

why cant there be a war without each side calling each other cheaters

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Jul 27 2014 12:49 am

Now I do not understand everything that is going on but bugs called bugs for a reason. Shaddowing is doing his best to improve the game. He works really hard and cannot always fix something right away. Not to mention if he does not agree to changing something that is his right as game creator and owner. This game has progressed and changed a lot. Some like the changes and some do not, everyone has their own opinion. You are welcome to leave at anytime no one is keeping you here and if you really do decided to leave do not make a big deal out of it because it is insulting to the game creator and the players. You were not wrong in reporting the problems and bugs, but the way you went about acusing people and stating you will not play this game unless shadowing does something was wrong. Just like the majority of posts in the forum this is my opinion. Does not mean I am right or wrong.

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Jul 27 2014 5:29 pm

I only have one thing to say, and this is coming from someone who has never said anything, ever. I think the problem here (the biggest pissoff) is that PE is an alliance that pays to win, and that creates a very unfair disadvantage to the alliances that, for the most part, put the time in and wait until they have enough naq, earned legitimately, to get ahead. And then alliances like PE come along, and you just don't stand a flying chance against them, because even if you wipe out half their fleet, it's just going to come back in double by the end of the day. If you don't have the money to combat that, then you're basically shel kree ed, and all you can do is sit there and wait to be reset.
Again, like the above stated, this is the creative right of shadowing to continue to allow it, and I won't say it should be discontinued, but whatever. What I'm saying is, this makes the game very unfun, and unfair. I like playing this game. I was introduced by Z3R0 (go ahead, I can take it) back in January, and for the most part kept my head down and didn't stir the cha'tii pot. This is mostly how I was able to get ahead, was to avoid getting targeted as much as possible. But if I'm going down anyway, I have one last thing to say. If I ever get shut down and reset by a wallet lord, I'm done. I will not be logging back in again. I personally cannot wait until shadowing has one of the new servers set up, so that I can start over in a galaxy where everything is fair, and there isn't the strong disadvantage of "paying to win".

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Jul 27 2014 10:46 pm

actually we hardly buy that much naq in our alliance at all, we are just much better players than you.

shadowing has made it so building units use slaves which you cannot buy, therefore making it impossible for someone to simply buy back there entire army all the time as slaves will get used up and need to recover, that there makes it completely fair and balanced so stop your whining.

also dark hunters buy a lot more alliance naq packs than we do lol.

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Jul 28 2014 12:23 am

lol we've bought 4 naq packs since the war started, so I think it's safe to assume that the 40 a day are mostly coming form the hunters since they never seem to die and keep building war satllites.

and that whole thing about wiping out half our fleet and us coming back the next day... that doesn't happen because we don't lose half our fleets. Take sobek as an example, he's literally lost his entire fleet more then 3 times in the past 3 days and keeps coming back to die again... tell me that's not massive wallet lording?

I've never spent a penny on this game.

And doing nothing isn't getting ahead, it's just doing nothing. Networth is meaningless if you can't, or don't use it.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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