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Jun 15 2014 1:44 pm


I am new to System Lords but love the game concept. I have read the Rules, Guide, Tutorial and Forums. There are many aspects of the game which simply are not intuitive and I would appreciate any guidance the community can offer. Here are my questions:

1. When you begin on the first planet, it seems based on the tutorial players should build:

a. 100 Laboratory. It seems Lab points are directly related to Technology points. Any other advantages of investing in Lab? Also, how do you recommend a new player spend their lab points? I placed all in Production for now.

b. 100 Naq. I presume on each planet new players should max out Naq production because most future growth is based on it.

c. 100 Homes. I believe that provides 12k slaves/day. Since planets have a max capacity of 100k slaves, what should a player do when a planet reaches 100k? Should they ship slaves to other planets? Or at times destroy the homes?

I presume a fair strategy would be to start with 100 homes on your first planets, then use those homes later in the game to send slaves to new planets? Also, you could perhaps reduce the number of homes to just a few per planet to recoup in case any slaves are stolen?

d. Slave camps. During the first 5 days, is there any reason at all for a new player to build slave camps?

Based on the above, is it a good strategy for a new player to obtain 3 other planets (total of 4) with 100 homes / lab / naq?

2. Once a new player has set up their first planets, what's next? Is there any benefit to building 100 Jaffa on each planet?

3. Achievements are all locked down. I can't do anything on this screen. I presume I need to spend Naq on something which later unlocks this area?

4. Advance. I was able to spend 2 units on Enrich and 3 on Productivity. Everything else is locked down.

I know later the topic of alliance will come up. For now, I prefer to learn more about the game first. What should I do the first 5 days? I wish to invest more in technology, mining naq and such but it seems I should just disappear for 4 days?

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Jun 15 2014 3:38 pm

A-yes all into Production tech goes up to 500 points each

B-you want 100 naq mines on each world you build build one world at a time no need to own 4 worlds that are half built

C-100 homes on your 1st world is good if i rember when i stated i got like 3-4 worlds built up (in the newbie time) so i would say build 100 homes on each world till you reach 100k slaves then destroy them for something eles

D-i would say yes to the point where you can have atleast 1ms and 15 gilders and some jaffa but slave camps are a must have

D2.-i would build 100 labs 100 naq mines and 100 homes on each world before i move on atleast

2 at a low lvl i would keep my fleets and troops on all one world most people wont attack you anyways but 100 jaffa not going to make a big differents if someone atatcks you

3 Achievements tech you get for owning a space station at this point in time thats alot of naq for you so i would not worry about it and they have 600K attack so it would be very hard for you to take one

4 if theres a tech reset i would put all 5 points in productivity to get more adv tech you need to buy them with real money on the market

and hmmmm deps if you dont mine spending some money you can speed it up if not keep building up like i said for thos 5 days naq mins,homes,labs

if you really like this game i would say take the time and look at chat you can learn alot about the players and the politics of the game hope this help

welcome to the game


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Jun 15 2014 7:07 pm

Hi Hamiler!

Thank you for responding so quickly and thoroughly. These forums don't have much activity yet and I was concerned a response might not be forthcoming. I am hoping you can answer a few follow up questions as well.

1a. You mentioned Production goes up to 500. Does that mean it is not helpful to have more than 500 worth of lab points? 501 does nothing at this time?

1c. The 100k slave limit is per world or total?

1d. One ms, 15 gliders = is that per world? Can you share any idea of how many jaffa per world is helpful to start? 100? 1000? 10k?

I am still trying to figure out how many slave camps I should build on each planet. The only military I built was an extra 100 Jaffa on each of my 3 new planets. So my total military is:

400 Jaffa (100 to start with from the game)
1 Mother Ship (given to start)
50 Agents

As of this moment I have 100 Slave Camps on my home world (likely a mistake to build that man) and 10 on each of my other 3 worlds. When I view my Dominion page, it shows:

412 Jaffa, 1 MS, 50 Agents...but the Military tab shows 5,912 / 20,800 on all planets. The slave camps are what allow me to have more military, correct? If so, are the limits throughout the galaxy? I had assumed it was on a per planet basis. Also, how does the system come up with 5,912 as my current military value? I tried being creating and multiplying my units by their Naq cost but that didn't work.

Thank you again for helping me get started on this journey. I hope you (or another community member) can provide further guidance and this thread hopes others as well.

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Jun 15 2014 7:36 pm

I also noted even when I built a Slave Camp and refreshed the screen (logged out and in) the max number shows the same: 20,800 for my military.

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Jun 16 2014 12:36 am

1 each tech field can have up to 500 tech points into it at this moment you can only have 1000 tech points unless you have adv buildings

2 100k slaves per world for 1mil slaves total

3 now thinking about it at ur size i would say 100 jaffa is fine for def it will stop spammers but i would keep most fleet on one world

4 for world building i would say at this moment 100naq mines 100 homes 100 labs 50 guard post 100mines and 50 slave camps

BUT.....as im sure you read that message we are in for alot of change so this all can be different within a week

slave camps are how much mil you can have like for me mines like 1mil and something it all deps on your NW

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Jun 16 2014 4:16 am

Thanks again Hamiler.

Regarding Slave Camps, I am still not clear.

Can I have a world without Slave Camps? Or must I have a Slave Camp on every world?

How much military can each SC support?

I see the Military calculations at the bottom of the Military section at the bottom of the Guide so my military count makes sense. I have 130 Slave Camps split up over 4 worlds. My max Military shows as 22k. I am trying to understand how that number is calculated.

Your recommended build included 100 homes & 50 guard posts.

Once I reach 100k slaves per world, how many of the homes should I remove? All? Is it reasonable to send slaves from one world to others on a regular basis and keep that world with 100 homes?

If I complete the build you suggested, there is no room for any other buildings due to the 400 max. If the world has a stargate, there should be less guard posts and more Stargate defense, right? How should I balance Staff Turrets and Space Mines in the mix?

Once again, I am very appreciative of your help, or that of anyone else who wants to chime in.

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Jun 16 2014 5:43 am

I figured out the Slave Camp values. Each camp = 150 military. In my case, 130 camps = 19,500 military. At rank Dreadful, I also receive 2500 military so the total of 22k makes sense.

Any guidance on the outstanding questions (below) would be helpful:

Your recommended build included 100 homes & 50 guard posts.

Once I reach 100k slaves per world, how many of the homes should I remove? All? Is it reasonable to send slaves from one world to others on a regular basis and keep that world with 100 homes?

If I complete the build you suggested, there is no room for any other buildings due to the 400 max. If the world has a stargate, there should be less guard posts and more Stargate defense, right? How should I balance Staff Turrets and Space Mines in the mix?

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Feb 02 2017 6:51 am

I just downloaded and installed on a tablet and the game seems totally different, whats going on?

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Feb 02 2017 3:27 pm

1: Yes you should build but on the following.
85 homes, 15 SG operations, 50 ground turrets, 50 surveillance, 25 intelligence, 25 space mines, 25 observatories and 25 espionage. If no SG replace with Surveillance

2: Homes provide more population to your military limit. The more homes you have the more you can have in your military

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Jun 17 2017 4:21 pm

How can I upgrade the level of a planet?

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Jun 18 2017 1:32 am

U cant

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Jun 18 2017 4:24 pm

So, is it upgrading itself, or if I want a higher level, what can I do? Take it over?

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