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  • Doctorzoidberg
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Mar 14 2014 6:25 am

The chat system here is not very user friendly, I hope you all will like these suggested changes to it

by default your message will be sent to the chat tab you have clicked on, "No longer have to type /a to talk to alliance"

But commands are still available to send messages to alliance from say Galaxy by using /a, But doing so will auto change your tab to alliance where you can see the messages.

Whispers/alliances/galaxy will not be shown in any one single tab at the same time "Not seeing whispers or alliance chat inside of galaxy"

The tab's of chat channels should have arrows on either side, to allow to have multiple chat boxes open, For whispers, "Remove the Whisper Tab" and open all whispers in their own individual tabs, That blink with new messages, and show the name of the person you are chatting with on the tab.

Suggest adding the ability to type something like /ccjoin "name" to open your own chat room you can make private or public, Private requires a invite from leader of channel /ccinvite

Some additional new commands could be as follows

/buddy - add/remove player to/from buddy list"Adding of a buddy list to the game"
"Possibly a rectangular window between your player stats button and global stats button on the right side of the screen.

/r - Reply to the last received private message

/ccjoin - enter/create a custom chat chanel
/cckick - remove a player from a chat chanel
/ccleave - leave the actual custom chanel
/cclist - show all players in the actual custom chanel
/ccprivate - set actual custom chanel to "private"
/ccpublic - set actual custom chanel to "public"
/ccoperator - give your operator rights to another player

/chanelname - post message into specified chanel without changing actual one.

I believe these changes will help create a more simplified and organized chat system that is more friendly to users.

  • Forgottenwarrior
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Mar 17 2014 2:02 pm

I like it.

  • Doctorzoidberg
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Mar 23 2014 6:00 am

I am very glad to see we dont need to type /a to talk in alliance.

Have seen more people using alliance chat now, Very awesome.