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Jul 26 2022 2:26 pm

There are several things that bother me with the game. Prime is much too given to defense (multiple defense, siege all around you which blocks any approach)=> all this makes attacks too risky

although you shouldn't always stay on what was before, seeing the incos when you sit changes the nature of the game too much (no more ghosts, blocking any approach)

but especially the galactic stocks are for me a big error:
1) no incentive to attack early at the risk of missing stock increases
2) hazardous increases in stocks can completely cancel out a good or bad start in the game
3) the artifacts had the merit of finalizing a development strategy and with a 12-hour delay for sales we took the time to think before buying in times of war

finally the fact of not being able to lower the population of an allied planet removes the interest of changing PM to mount a large SB

it would be necessary to have a trace of the incoming and a classification of the largest fleets

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Jul 26 2022 2:37 pm

Ya stocks won't exist in next round. Will put them on a test server. The plan is to make stocks more of a gamble.

The ship icons don't prevent ghost fleets. Ghost fleets can't exist cause its real time radar.
Its being considered to change that to how old astrowars was. Some people like it. Some don't.

Artifacts are coming in. Just ran out of development time. Will try to squeeze it in the coming months.

The ability to attack allies is also in discussion.

I didn't understand this below. Reword it or something if you could please

Prime is much too given to defense (multiple defense, siege all around you which blocks any approach)=> all this makes attacks too risky

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Jul 26 2022 3:06 pm

He was saying that defense has the preference. You can stack fleets for defense, you can't for attack, so why attack?

Garby, Lord of the dance
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Jul 26 2022 3:09 pm

Oh ya i gotcha.

You don't know the size of the fleet though on the planets though. Still gotta get the supporting fleets to defend in time too.

Im actually all for removing reinforcing fleets.
Makes everything more easier on my end. It also makes it more not like System Lords which I like.

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Jul 26 2022 3:24 pm

Yes. He was saying the game is geared heavily towards defense. I have always felt this was the case.

The stock market is a good idea. Just needs toned down. Old Aw had sort of a stock market with SU and artifacts. However they were tied to PL. But value would rise and fall the same. I view the stock market in the same way players in the old game would buy up artifacts and hold them. Selling at a higher value later.

The market kinda offsets the stacking defense to a degree. As well as the fact there are not as many speeders in this game as I am used to seeing being played.

I disagree with letting Allies pop kill planets for sb build up defense or switching of main planet for spend all. If the game is already defense heavy, why add another defense minded feature to it?

The stock market issue is primarily an issue because many weren’t willing to risk the investment early. A bunch in SSS did. We have wanted to see how every aspect of the game works risking our gameplay to test things. Others were not. And now they don’t like something because they didn’t test it early enough or were scared to test and try it.

A lot of people are/ is so concerned about having a successful round that they tried to play like the old game instead of exploring new features full early enough. Many didn’t even try the stock market until they saw the gains that could be had. When SSS tried the stock market only 4 players had invested. It wasn’t till about 2 weeks into the market that other players started moving into it.

I feel most of the complaints are premature, because not everyone has actually had the chance to adequately test things.

Sss built two alliances for testing purposes. This has given is advantage I admit. But it has also shown us a ton new strategies and potential. Being two alliances we also gave some disadvantages. Which has taught us ways to work with other alliances in the future as well.

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Jul 26 2022 3:44 pm

the problem with stock markets is I never finished the system.
right now its just based on buy and sell of the stock. But everyone just keeps buying is it just keeps rising.

I never finished artifacts which I needed to finish the stock market.
so thats what going on there.
I'm running out of development time for Astrowas. Infact Im already out of time 2 weeks ago. I cant financially afford to work on the game. Its bankrupting me.
It actually already has $50 in my bank account now. But I'm taking out a 20k loan this week.

So I need this game into what ever working order everyone wants as soon as possible so I can go work on other projects for a bit. Which will benefit Astro wars in the long run cause I'll invest in advertising.

The fastest thing to do would be to just remove alliance reinforcing. Wouldn't have to worry about doing the update of displaying armies that way too.

So i think thats what im gonna do. Finish the battle tool and battle results.
Artifacts get put on hold for a little bit. will try to squeeze that update in at some point. Other than some map updates, artifacts and a few alliance display window updates that completes the game. Course i still need to update the Guide too.

Will still do bug fixes weekly or every other week. Good plus though is the game made $175 month that was a big shock from $75 from last month. More people buying text alerts.

When I first launched the game back in November we only had like 8 people playing for 4 months. Game was largely incomplete then. Didn't expect all these players to pop in lol. But I decided back in May to see if we can get this game going decently.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it
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Jul 26 2022 4:21 pm

If what you say is the case. I recommend force selling everyone’s stocks and just remove the market till artifacts can come into play and then relaunch both. At the start of a new round.

Removing alliance cooperation strategies is not an ideal situation. Even with limited information gathering the biggest part of the game is the cooperation between Allies. Remove that and you remove a lot of players reason for playing. Right now many just play because we can still work together in ways.

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Jul 26 2022 7:33 pm

Other problem is being able to instant sell stocks takes away the risk. If you get attacked just sell and build fleet then instead of risking having your money tied up. Just like artifacts there needs to be a delay in buying and selling things so that there is risk in relying on that money to defend.

  • Shaggy1er
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Jul 27 2022 2:02 pm

in any case thank you for the work, there are still things to improve but we will get there.
For stocks I'm not against it, what I don't want is that it unbalances the game as is the case at the moment. Shodowing, we will never have a unanimous opinion from all the players, but I think that for the main orientations you could launch votes, that would allow everyone to see clearly what is to come and would put an end to the eternal debates

for the reinforcement, if at the limit we only faced one army at a time it would already be not bad