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Feb 23 2022 2:32 pm

This year System Lords is starting off pretty bad guys. As of February we only hit half of the games monthly quota and spring time is when the game suppose to make most of its money. Which is double that.

Advertising is only making $100 a month at the moment too. When I first added advertising in I got lucky and started it when advertisers were paying a lot for ads. That only lasted for a week and a half thats why I announced prematurely that advertising was doing well. It did get up to $300 during December though because of the holidays. Advertising would do well once the game had a larger player base. Would have to be around 1,500 daily active users though. I don't have any money at the moment for advertising to bring players into the game. so we are stuck with the 15 new players coming in each month from google play. There was a plan with some SBA money I was suppose to get that is still pending.

The game has once again reached its peak as it always does with a unending server. Inflation due to the market with keeping sales up with discounts and half the players topped out in the game with nothing to do. If players aren't buying naqahdah then the game can't go on. Its as simple as that really. We only got 7 players paying premium. We would need 60 players paying premium to prevent this reset. I tried everything to make that happen this year. With pop up windows letting players know the important of premium players and such. I was trying to get the game to no naqahdah buying before the end of 2021. Another thing that hurt me was I got sick with covid for a month. A month I could of used to get castle crashers out and maybe would of not prevented the reset but it would of been able to change system lords business model this year.

I was going to wait to see how March goes but if I wait to long then I have lost my chance this spring for the game to recover its yearly funds. If I don't make certain amount in the spring then I'm really in trouble for the year.

So all servers will be getting reset in 2 weeks on March 11th. Also any money players spent starting from January 1st will be given back to you in naqahdah. This can be access from the options window. This time I'm giving people a warning so they can create war and kill each other. Resets does piss off a lot of several players and some do quit but at the end of everything resets has always kept the game from going bankrupt.

There will only be one server this time. Military cost will be changing as well. It will no longer increase as you grow. Instead it will increase by the amount you own. Also Advance buildings will either be getting changed or removed. They didn't work out for a long term server like this. Lot of it is from players cheating with multi's to obtain advance buildings. I'm hoping I can come up with a idea for advance buildings so I don't have to remove them for this next server. I just need an idea to prevent new players from obtaining them easily.
AI will also be enabled back into the game.

So create war. Don't act up in chat about the reset guys. It will just get you banned. There is nothing I can really do about this. Its a financial thing. Life runs on money unfortuanlly. Hopefully I've explained everything on the business side of things in this message so everyone can understand why.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it
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Feb 23 2022 8:40 pm


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Feb 24 2022 1:33 am

The problem is that a war game like this will go stale - because you have builders and you have players who want war. What keeps players on their toes is if you have AI activity. Have events where players can participate and get rewards from performing tasks.

I will send you a link to a game which makes lots of money whilst players who do not want to coin can still have fun.

Instead of servers, make the servers galaxies. As a player you can only occupy 1 galaxy, until you get to a stage where you can build ships with appropiate engines (cost naq) that can enter those new galaxies.

Maybe use some astro war races but have them as AI. Alliances can only be one race.

Have events where each alliance can win rewards.

Lots of ideas but will need programming.

Example: Shadow council - If AI races were very aggressive then the AI could declare war and attack but need to make sure AI races do not have 20 fs or endless ships and resources. make it that they can loose and if the alliance beats them they get big rewards.

Just some thoughts.

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Feb 24 2022 1:55 am

Ya thats exactly how AI and events will be when I do the AI update. Long as there is naqahdah buying you cant balance the AI out with the free to play players
I'm also bringing in where players win maps.

We are in a situation where I can't move the game in one direction cause naqahdah buying or certain income i need from the game prevents me from doing it.

After almost dieing from covid. I had a lot to think about. Im tired of things going to slow. I need real funding. So that's why I've decided to let people play ancient rings in two months for a large monthly donation. Should get me to $10,000 a month. Then I can give system lords and astro wars the real advertising and direction it needs.

  • Thereaper
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Feb 24 2022 7:17 pm

shadowing they are not donations if you are getting stuff in return

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Feb 24 2022 7:19 pm

Its a donation due to the high cost to play.

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Feb 24 2022 7:26 pm

Also giving something in return is not a donation is not true.

I've seen several times where you get something after making a donation.

Also fundraising Websites like kick starter and indie gogo entire foundation is built on receiving items when people pledge money. Higher the pledge higher the gift.