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  • Thanatos2222
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Mar 10 2016 10:55 pm

i would suggest to use eve-online idea of shield armor and structure

so mothership could take three types of damage which only first can heal on its own while owner of flagship or mothership has to repair armor and structural damage how it would looks

lets change mothership from 200000 hp to
100000 shield
75000 armor
25000 hull

player for naquadhah can repair armor damage and for resources can repair hull damage

shield takes 100% damage
armor taking damage reduced by 50%
structure taking damage reduced by 25%

lets take one mothership that has 100k shield 75k armor 25k structure. the mothership attack points is 180k . it attacks planet that has 200k defense
mothership wins but loses shields armor and almost entire hull , but it survives, shield regenerates player can repair armor and hull.
if defense on planet is higher than attackpoint of flagship by 20% then mothership is destroyed

flagship should have 500000 shields 2500000 armor 100000 structure . attack points 800k same rule but the armor damage is reduced by 25% and structure damage resistance is 40%

flagships are little overpowered so lets add them another weak spot , sending alone flagship to well defended planets cause the more damage taken by flagship reinforced flagship by jaffa bombers fighters generally this makes it hard to take damage

flagships should be available to build after some time, there cant be that someone with big pocket build one after week . flagships should be reserved for strong players too many flagships on game cause the imbalance
so weaken them up

motherships should be buildable after seven days
flagships should be buildable after month

  • Hehdhdh
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Mar 10 2016 10:57 pm

Go away...the game isn't changing...if you want make your own game and play it. Shadowing works hard on this game and doesn't need you wanting to change it.

  • Hanubku
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Mar 30 2016 1:49 pm

Actually I do like this idea. Makes the game a little more complex. Very good!