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Jan 14 2015 10:29 pm

Shadowing, can you please help us understand Decay? The numbers seem very far off.

Conceptually, you make what you consume plus extra. Decay would not naturally ever be more than consumption. On Abydos, my Decay is 10x my consumption. The more I make, the more decays in an endless cycle to where I am always negative.


My fleet is not even that big, I average over 40 slave camps per planet, I have high efficiency (65%) and a lot of pyramids built, yet I am -600k per hour. Something is very far off. With my current setup, I should have more than enough for my military + extra.

It seems I can build 100 slave camps and have pyramids on every planet and I will still be far negative each hour.

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Jan 15 2015 5:40 am

I don't understand much of this yet but it actually seems really problematic as of yet. I've never known Excellion to skimp on research, so I'm taking what he says as truth. This seems really bad for development of larger fleets.



@QuidProQuoTheConfused (I'm getting caught up.)

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Jan 15 2015 6:04 am

The challenge is resources have been in game for a month before now. Players accumulated a large amount of resources without any being used. The "decay" or those resources is very large so we can't really tell what is real or not.

Perhaps all of our stockpiles can be wiped so we can see what the real decay will be?

I hunt the sheep of war...
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