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  • Jbutler
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Sep 30 2014 9:20 am

In Ranks Under Alliances There is a Category "War"

Why not have all alliances set up in there, with a declare war button, that way 1 alliance can declare war on another, so only the members in that alliance will fight it out and the war wont be over till all the members of either alliance have been reset, also during times of war, no members can leave or enter an alliance. Also no other alliances can get involved. During the war all members are attackable regardless of networth.

Let me know what you think?

Non alliance members, that are going it alone can only attack other non alliance members

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Sep 30 2014 9:25 am

You're going to get a lot of hate for both of these ideas, lol.

Game is boring with alliance protection and it clearly got abused way too much when it existed before.

Resetting people makes them quit. We're trying to avoid resetting people. It's the last thing we want to do.

War system, however, could work. Very simply, you declare war and it isn't over until one side surrenders. This would also only work in Chulak since Abydose has a lot of less active players in alliances that would be nothing but dead weight and a disadvantage. But on Chulak, it's a great idea. That, or just forget about the war system all together. No real need to make it official.

I vote to simply remove the 'war' tab all together. There is not enough players in this game right now for it to work. Get more players, then talk about a war system like that.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Sep 30 2014 10:29 am

I said this idea before of declare war option and only them 2 alliances can hit eachother with no outsiders getting involved, this would really be awesome and stop people getting hit by sister alliances and untagged multis etc

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Sep 30 2014 10:47 am

In order for this to work, consideration to prevent abuse must be implemented.

Alliance A starts attacking Alliance B. Alliance B does not want to be attacked anymore so they start a war with Alliance C. Alliance B and C don't attack each other and both enjoy protection from any attackers.

Even if you say "hey, there has to be some attacks back and forth or the war status is cancelled", they can take the opportunity to exchange planets or SS.

I hunt the sheep of war...
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Oct 01 2014 11:51 pm

Two alliances have to be within 60% of one another to agree to war. Both sides need to agree. After which, ALL MEMBERS will be able to hit anyone on both sides. The war lasts a week or until one side agrees to surrender.

The rewards

1.) 50% of the losing sides naq production and depositories(the depo is only given when the war ends and only once) Added together and distributed equally to all members of the winning side.
2.) 1000 status for the winning side.(each member)
3.) +25% planet efficiency(all planets, all members) for a week as well.
4.) any combination of 1,2, and 3. If all three, then when implemented, there will always be war.

The losses

A.) Naq production drops to 50%(because the other % is given to the vivtors)
B.) -1000 status to all members(after the war.)
C.) -25% efficiency to all planets for all members.
D.) Any combination of A, B, and C.

(I strongly assert that the numbers for rewards and losses should occur at the same time. I.E. 1 for A and 2&3 for B&C)

Wars can only be started if nobody joined or left the alliance in a week. If the war goes on for the whole week then the winner is decided based on status lost, planets stolen, SS and flagships destroyed.
200 points per planet
1000 points per Space Station (or switch with flagship.)
1500 points per Flagship (or switch with SS)
Status is equal to a point for point basis.

To start a war, no troops may be off world.
To start a war, you must not have been in a war for a week.

While in a war, NEITHER SIDE can be attacked by or attack outside players.
While in a war, you may not be declared upon or declare war with another alliance.

After a war, rewards continue for a week unless stated otherwise.
After a war, nobody can be booted or leave for a week.
After a war, both sides may not attack one another for 3-7days(OPTIONAL as it allows a cool-down period for the defeated)



The chosen one, savior, and ultimate survivor. Will work for zambooki(coffee+vodka)