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Sep 28 2014 8:36 pm

Clint Eastwood says... (Note links are white like this one. Shadowing, maybe make links blue?]


I hereby nominate this post for the longest in game history! TLDR - Immortals is having their ass kicked in game, nothing special there, but they so blatantly lie about everything, they actually are telling others they are "winning". OK, they are winning in the same way Iraq won their war. Here are quotes from Iraqi's War Minister who, as tanks were rolling into Bagdhad, announced to the country they were winning the war.

"They are sick in their minds. They say they brought 65 tanks into center
of city. I say to you this talk is not true. This is part of their sick mind."

"We have destroyed 50 tanks today. That 5-ohhh tanks" [while holding up his fingers]

"They are retreating on all fronts. Their military effort is a subject of laughter throughout the world."

"Yesterday, we slaughtered them and we will continue to slaughter them."

"Don't believe anything! We will chase the rascals back to London!"

"Americans are now in disarray"

"There are only two American tanks in the city."

"We are winning!"

Well, if they were really winning, they would not be down 2 players, while we have all ours. If they were winning, they would not be begging everyone on the server to help them. The only question remaining is how long is left for them.

I have received many reports from players who shared Hadrian is begging them to fight us, and they are playing along to appease Hadrian, but of course will never help the guy.

In the unlikely event anyone is not aware, Invincible is fighting Immortals. We do such for similar reasons as to why we fought PE. We love gaming, we love stargate and despite the game's bugs and other faults, we love being here. We find it nothing short of offensive to see a group of players bullying others, literally blackmailing them for warsats and planets, and threatening them with reset.

During any discussion, there can be mistakes and misunderstandings. Let me be clear. We are not talking about differences of opinion or misunderstandings. My very clear statement is Hadrian and his followers are deliberately spreading misinformation (lies) in an effort to manipulate others into a losing situation. They are already down two players and are desperately trying to find others to throw under their dying bus. I, for one, would sincerely hate to see that happen to our galaxy's players.

Please forgive the epic length of this post. TLDR - Don't believe one word from Hadrian / Gemini / Toku / Semper / Aribter or whatever he goes by today. What's most amazing is they deny EVERYTHING so in order to have any normal conversation we are in the position of needing to share evidence about stuff most people clearly know to be true. It's just stupid as the player base is small enough to where almost everyone knows the deal, but their stance is to deny everything so I need to make an epic long post to be clear. Here are the details:

1. Myrddin = Zerotee. I don't believe this fact was ever hidden. Just sharing in the unlikely event anyone is not aware. Zerotee was a core member of PE. He was the highest nw player on Abyddos most of the time. He is the highest nw player on Chulak. His nw is higher than any ally lol.

a. From Abyddos: Remember how PE insulted Beliar for being a massive wallet lord? Zerotee beat him by a mile. At the time Zerotee had more networth than could be earned if every naq from the server start was saved. That's not to mention he had war losses and such. But there is nothing wrong with buying naq, right? It's how he repeatedly uses the bought naq to bully players

b. Zerotee threatens players with reset on Abyddos

This is just one of what is surely countless examples of players Myrddin has threatened with reset. This example is from Abyddos. He synchronized attacks against me with Gdozer and several others. I deleted the planet rather than let him have it. I mean, he had 3x my networth and still couldn't fight a straight 1v1. Ridiculous.

c. Chulak is a fresh start, right? We thought so. Our ally came to Chulak and decided to do our own thing and not bother PE or anyone else. 40 minutes after t Protection was lifted on the server: http://imgur.com/8T5ug0A (before PE fell apart and he changed his name to Myrddin). So to be clear, Immortal's players started the fight on Chulak.

d. Zero actually openly brags...repeatedly...about his networth...as if that is some sort of accomplishment. Typing stuff in galaxy chat like "look at my nw" lol

2. Hadrian = Overlord / Gemini / Toku / Arbiter / Semper and I don't know how many other names.

a. I have fought against Semper. He was the only player I ever had to reset on AByddos, because he simply would not stop infiltrating and attacking. At that point there is no choice. He has a very unique playstyle which perfectly matches

b. There aren't many active players and over a dozen have approached me sharing they know Hadrian is those other names but refuses to admit it because he was hated by all sides. He is living a lie. Actually, I think this point is about
the only thing in the universe both Kelac and Demogorgon agree on lol.

3. Hadrian and his ally consistently use bully tactics and threaten players with reset. We had a discussion on this topic in galaxy chat on AByddos and he clearly stated this was not a soft game and players should be reset. A couple examples of their bs bully tactics.

a. Zerotee demands a warsat or he will reset Intrelzar

b. Hadrian demands 42 planets or he will reset Sonic

c. When asked who demanded the planets, Hadrian lied to Sonic saying Zuff, Kelac and Tucker demanded it, none of whom had any clue about it. Hadrian tried to manipulate two sides of his enemies against each other. Sonic promptly
approached each of the players, confirmed the truth and rightly called Hadrian a liar.

We can discuss these points. It's the same bs over and over. It's PE wannabes without PE's leadership, gaming knowledge or power. The sole reason they exist, the sole reason they are talked about at all, is Hadrian convinced Zerotee and
Locutus to be in his ally. They are BY FAR the two biggest wallet lords the game has ever seen. Locutus shot up 400k nw in a day, the highest jump in game history..and Zerotee is, well, Zerotee.

c. Need more? Can they be any more of assholes? Pakelika attacks 2 of Overlord / Hadrian's SS on Abyddos. Just normal attacks on SS. Hadrian was so hurt, he had his entire ally gang bang Pakelika on Chulak. Again, a good player or leader
should be able to independently handle themselves and not make a basic SS attack on one server into an ally war vs 1 player on another. It's bad gaming.

4. INVINCIBLE responds. We fought and beat PE on Abyddos because we wanted a server where we could play with friends and not deal with the BS. Now whether you feel we "beat" PE or they beat themselves or it's somehow Shadowing fault, the
fact is if we didn't stand up to them, they would still be here today.

The same is true with Hadrian / Immortals. We have had enough. I messaged Hadrian in game a week in advance informing him we would fight his ally because of Zerotee and his bs. There was no sneak attack on anything like that. A week later his ally went into protection and left MacTwister in the cold. Very poor gaming on their part. Any ally should play as a team. We attacked MacTwister and took his SS and most planets. What kind of ally abandons their own members? They knew of the attack impending which is clearly why they went into Protection. Then when the member they abandoned gets hit, they blame everyone but themselves.

Because we are a good group of players, we did NOT reset him. Furthermore, we feel players should be left with something, so we left his warsat and his entire fleet on the warsat. To be clear, several members wanted his ws and the status, but we agreed to leave it alone so MacTwister could continue playing. MacTwister chose to reset. His warsat disappeared. Hadrian created a lie that we reset him. More bs.

Next, they replaced him with Locutus, who tagged us and jumped 400k nw. OK, we can deal with one wallet lord we can deal with two. Locutus doesn't seem like a bad guy, but if he can be that badly misled, we need to step in.

We could fight them "top down". I was prepared to do whatever it took to fight PE and if that meant dropping a wad of cash into the game, so be it. I choose to play with my friends. Due to the collapse of PE, that was never necessary. So we could jump up and fight Zero and then rest, but we CHOOSE not to buy naq on Chulak if it is not necessary. Zuff and I each bought a $20 naq pack a couple weeks ago and nothing since. We are fighting them "from the bottom up".

a. MacTWister is apparently gone. Immortal #1 down.

b. Look at Taren. He kept suiciding fleets over and over into us. He is now 4k nw which means he only has a handful of planets. Realistically he can either buy naq, have it bought for him, or he is done at least for the time being.

c. Who's next? Hadrian is DESPERATELY trying to find players to fight us, as his poor leadership already ruined the gaming of his other members. He cares nothing for people, only power. He is looking for someone...anyone...dumb enough to follow him.

5. Hadian is a genius! NOT. He must be charming cause he talks and talks and talks....and eventually a small percentage of people apparently believe him. His gaming knowledge is frankly poor. He is on AT LEAST his SIXTH time playing (Arbiter / Toku / Semper / Overlord / Gemini / Hadrian) and is convinced after having his ass kicked the last 5 times he finally figured everything out lol.

a. Before bombers were ever beefed up, no one used them. They were an awful military unit. Back then, I created a strategy I named "lifting" which I had never seen anyone use. Many players chose to spec out their techs where they have
+100% attack but their defense was +0%. Accordingly, they were very glass cannons - - - very strong attackers but weak defenders. When they would attack me, I would lift my fleet at the last moment. Their attack would land, they would
"win" the fight, but then I would re-route and hit their fleet on the ground. I even used this tactic against Hadrian before on Abyddos. Here is a screenshot from where I nailed him using this tactic months ago, along with the galaxy chat after

He now claims he craeted "the Hadrian manuever" by using bombers in this same manner. I guess he deserves to have it named after him. He was the first player publicly nailed with it. There were others before, but they went down quielty.

b. Back in the day before salvage / obviation got nerfed, it was overpowered. I used to repeatedly take warsats with all adv bldgs (490k in adv buildings) and lose LESS than 100k naq on the attack. Back then, we discussed how the right
setup (Goauld Tactician Aggressive + 5% adv tech bonus) was insane. That was true then. Hadrian again tries to copy old tactics we used months ago, preach it to his followers (for a while his entire ally were all 5 goauld tact agg) yet
he doesn't understand how that strategy is not effective anymore. He also convinces his followed such as Taren to suicide their fleet repeatedly into us, yet he is unwilling to do the same but instead recalls. It's one thing to be a bad player, but to lead this badly....just wow.

6. In closing:

a. If you choose to follow Hadrian watch this

b. There are many ways to "win" System Lords. The best is to log in and have fun with friends. Zerotee explained in galaxy chat how he hates the game and his sole purpose of playing is to reset a few people. Sounds miserable to me.

Anyway, if you measure game success by networth, then yes Myrddin and Locutus spent the most on the game collectively so they win. Heck, no sense to even play then. The most tangible metric is STATUS because it must be earned. That aside, the game's metric is being a System Lord. I currently see Black on top (gratz) with three of our ally mates in positions 2, 3 & 4 on the System Lords board. I see our ally in 1st position for status with 3x that of Immortals. Most importantly, I see two players, MacTwister and Taren, who's game was ruined by Hadrian and he is desperately looking for other players to serve as a buffer between him and us. Where and how is Immortals winning? The only place is in Hadrian's head.

c. Other players and allies have offered to help us remove Immortals from the server. We have kindly requested we be allowed to continue 1v1 with them. Meanwhile, they have attempted to recruit every player on the server to fight us. If they continue this dishonarable approach and attempts to mislead others, we will accept the offer of others help just to end it faster; however, we hope it does not come to that. Let's keep it as the 5 v 5 we have now (even though it's
really 5 v 6 because they replaced a player).

Since Invincible fought PE on Abyddos, what happened? For the first time ever, that galaxy is FREE! Look at the boards. You see the 3 Asgard allies and two others in the top 5. You see a variety of players as System Lords rather than 1 ally dominating everything. We have SHOWN our good faith and play style. Decide for yourselves who is being truthful and who you wish to game with.

PS. Shut up Voldy. We don't want to hear it.

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Sep 28 2014 8:45 pm

I agree the lies are just crazy and Hadrian need to stop all the BS. If he just relaxed maybe had a smoke and just played the game he would enjoy it more. Then everyone else would enjoy it more.

It's impossible. I hate it. It's evil. It's astonishing. I want to kiss it to death.
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Sep 28 2014 9:38 pm

In response to the very last thing you said: At one point, literally my entire alliance was on the system lord council. (lol, just thought that was funny) We've since replaced a few people with lower guys like Yugi that we love so much.

Nice house drop! (I like House more though.)

At the moment, our alliance is in a NAP with his; however, we do not trust a word that guy says. We have been repeatedly lied too and had him and his alliance spread lies in chat about us in attempts to make us look bad. I could share many examples, but you've all seen and know them.

I will, however, share this one amusing one that has been in my mind since last night:

Shroud attacks me with a bigger fleet then I can defend against, Intrelzar kindly offers to take the hit for me while I move my fleet one planet to the left where I'm being attacked by Gemini. We successfully trap Shroud's fleet on a re-rout to a vacant while he was stuck in space mines, we just popped on over there, took the planet and waited 5 hours.

Gemini clearly was just attacking so that he could re-rout last minute and distract me, which is fine, it's a valid game tactic. What was messed up was what came after: Shroud called me out on not 1v1ing him and involving Intrelzar. which I replied to with a comment about how I was being attacked by two of them, both with higher networth then me, at once. Hadrian said I was lying and refused to admit that he had launched an attack on me (an obvious lie).

I decided to say one or two things in our defence just to let the truth be known, and watched as they made fools out of themselves for 10 minutes after with comments as if I were responding to them and arguing. It was pretty funny.

Some more fun while we're at it: Gemini has repeatedly gone back on his "strong beliefs": We reset one of his members that had been suiciding us continuously, just to get him off our back for a few days. He responded with some innocent, shocked remarks about how unbelievable it was that we reset someone! 2 weeks later, he reset 2 inactives in our alliance (one that had not been a part of this war at all).

A random ceasefire that was never agreed to by us - Randomly, in the middle of a war, he puts in his alliance profile "At a ceasefire". We continued attacking and his alliance members wrote about how honourable we are for the days following.

When I refused to join him and a few other alliances that I had already known about in battle against Invincible, I was told obvious lies, almost as if he were literally begging us to join him.

First day out of protection: Anoobis does something stupid and drags us into a war we were not ready nor had the naquadah to fight. Gemini, who at the time was in love with Vitopian, lied to him and had him reset 2 of our guys, while he destroyed and Sadeyes and I was left to just reset on a server that I wasn't fond of already.

Hamiler decided to help us out at the end. I don't know why, but he said "Asgard will come to the aid of the ally Origin." We were not allys, he said that out of habit, that is what he has always said in the past when asgard join wars. Gemini and Shroud went on some rampage through chat about sister alliances not being allowed and all this crap, when they themselves had just had Vitopian reset two of our guys for him. They talked of what poor game play this was, spread lies about me and others personally, and then proceeded to attempt to create the largest chain of sister alliances in the game, along with the only one to exist on Chulak. His Coalition was foolishly made up of my friends, and they all told me about it.

Shocking how somebody can go back on their strong beliefs when it fits their needs.

Gemini is the most sketchy player I have ever seen, and although we are currently in a NAP with him, we do not agree with or trust him. What he did to Sonic, a supposed Ally, was messed up. Especially since Sonic is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. Gemini asked me for a NAP one week ago, and since we had been fighting him literally since the server came out of protection, we happily agreed. The game is much more fun now that we're not on 24/7 dealing with war.

A NAP is a break from fighting, or a formal ceasefire if you will. It is a way to end a four week long war and start playing the game for a change. It is not an alliance, and we will not help you take down Invincible. We will honour this NAP in attempts to play the game for the first time since it came out, and to allow Intrelzar the personal time he needs after his recent loss. We do not plan to break it, even though I'm sure you guys will once you're defeated by Invincible and out of their net range, or you beat them.

Play innocent all you want, I see through that now. You've overplayed your hand and have lost all trust.

I've been typing this very out of order and can only see a small chunk as I type, also been flipping in and out of chats. So sorry if it's poorly written. I just woke up to this cha'tii :/


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Sep 28 2014 10:23 pm

Oh dear... Voldy's posts rival Excellion's. Dear me.

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Sep 29 2014 12:42 am

you both are noobs, im not reading these giant posts lol, but i will agree with whatever is said in these comments as long as im not implicated in any way lol.

+1 honourable for each of you for taking the time to write it tho :p

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Sep 29 2014 12:57 am

I see you used the links. I'm glad to help.

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Sep 29 2014 2:30 am

Voldy's post was too long. I couldn't read all that. He should be a novelist.

I did read one part he shared: "Gemini is the most sketchy player I have ever seen"

Considering the people you have seen, the sewers you have walked through, that is saying something.

So what do you think about the people in the ally? We know about Zerotee, but what about the others? Do you believe they are aware and complicit in the bs? Or do you believe they are being duped and have no idea what is going on? I can't think of a third option. It comes down to they are ignorant of what Toku is doing or they are aware and part of it.

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Sep 29 2014 5:57 am

Excellion, Wow. Just wow. I clapped at times I lost it at times and I LOLed soo hard at the house bomb. I have already had respect for you, but now I have even more. This was well written, with facts and proof. I loved this. I gave you a plus one but will log in tomorrow to give you another. You even get your own tag now.

Kelac, Nice retort for you. Name calling was kept to a minimum, and you made good arguments as well.





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Sep 29 2014 7:40 am

Oh no, Excellion. They are completely aware of what he's doing and chose to go along with it. This is quite clear since they've indulged in his bull cha'tii about people and obvious, straight up lies in galaxy chat. I'm not sure about that one guy, Mactwister, but he seems to just go along on his own and act like a little Hadrain clone; which makes him just as bad. :D

As for Zerotee, I believe that he is the ONLY member of that alliance that isn't fully aware of what is going on. I think he gets confused at times about what's right and wrong and takes things too far at times (most of the time), but I'd say he's more a joiner then a follower like the rest of them.

There is no doubt that he is in there for his own personal reason, and Hadrian clearly used that to get his help in this. He's there because he has not gotten passed the PE thing yet and still wants to kill Vitopian. Understandable.

I know it is a whole different subject, but the PE thing is very two sided: on the one side you have Vitopian and his guys who see PE as what we may have ended up becoming, and on the other, you have our side, which is very much,"We're right and you're wrong. You don't know what you're talking about. That is not true." Which is perfectly understandable given our position.

I had made up my own decision to leave a few weeks prior to the downfall of PE based on that atmosphere of the group and what we had become. I still consider myself a part of PE and what it was originally, but I was no longer having fun towards the end. From leaving, I was able to see things from both sides, and I am not blind to their intentions or who they are (they being invincible). I have found that they are actually really fun people, and fun to play the game with. I just wish that wouldn't effect who I was and am to PE, but it would if they were still around, and I would not have been able to become friends with any of them.

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Sep 29 2014 8:51 am

locutus is my old alliance member and friend, don't know what his reason is for joining them but I can vouch for him as being a good guy.

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Sep 29 2014 9:15 pm

As i was reading Voldy's post, going from line to line and reading every word, a tear came to my eye. I started getting flash backs of all the good and all the bad. Us laughing and slapping each others back. The time when we first meet.... making fun of each others shol'va sizes. Voldy chasing my fleets around the galaxy as i giggled a little to where he couldn't hear me, for fear he would know i enjoyed the attention and the glimmer in his eyes. Then his sweet sweet words of how even though we had obstacle and differences, in a galaxy like today two groups of people could form an ever lasting bond of friendship and love. And knowing he could possible be an outcast with his original family, like a Romeo and Juliet romance, chose to become friends and lovers with the enemies of his family.

In short i thought it was cool that Vold says he is glad he became friends with us :) I am glad to have become friends with a lot of the ex-PE guys. A lot of them are great guys.

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Sep 29 2014 11:14 pm

here here Zuffy!

Hearing those words from you and Kelac...well...I am all broken up. Just too emotional to type more. When words fail, we have song.

You are my angels

I hunt the sheep of war...
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