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Apr 15 2014 9:44 pm

Strange religion brings with it a federation.

Is a new power emerging in the galaxy? Reports from within Family Of Gods territory say that a new religion has taken hold among its leadership. A strange pale hooded man with a glowing staff asked for an audience with Lord Mars, leader of Family Of Gods. Within minutes of that meeting, Lord Mars summoned his First Prime to send a message to Lord Chepri, leader of The Coalition. Next the strange man meet with Lord Chepri and following that meeting the two alliances started laying the frame work for a new federation, the Federation of Ori. The strange hooded man has not been seen since.

Opinion piece - The vassal state.

There has been much talk recently about vassals. Most of the talk has been negative towards the idea of people having vassals. I for one agree that vassals should not be allowed. Shadowing has on more then one occasion expressed his dislike of sister alliances. I think that players having vassals is more of a concern and pressing issue. The point of alliances are so that players can come together to work for a common goal. The main goal being protecting one another. Having one person protecting another that is not a part of your alliance should not be allowed. It really complicates things and can and already has led to issues. Jane Doe of alliance Joe Bob should not be protecting Susie Q who has no alliance from John Doe of alliance Bobby Joe. Susie Q should get into someone's alliance and be defended that way. The only solution I see to this for shadowing to up the member limit. Which in it self would solve many other issues as well.

Quotes of the week:

Aarushi : Anyone know anything about salmon farming? Enoch: That came out of nowhere. Aarushi: Hey you never know who may be playing the game.

Eliphas: I am the guy that made mittens out of mittens.

Check out these recent forum posts

Flagships by Progeekzy

As it stands by Patersin

Homes by livinthehylife

Stargates by Mythology216

Possible solution to games current game by progeekzy

Naq Adv Tech by Doctorzoidberg

Message Archive/Message Search by Theyeti

System Lords Political System By Kaguli

Doing free to play wrong By Porgeekzy

Rearrange the alliance system by Zalvalar

I quit By Stuart

First Prime By Macca

Banner of the week nominations:

Please vote for one of the following for the honor to have the banner of the week. You may vote only once and may do so below or PM me in game.

Deathknell – nominated by himself

Endersshadow – nominated by himself

Tartarus – nominated by Z3r0

Late Night Flag Ship Deathola By Lady Nefertiti

At 12:45 3/30/14 player Laura went to the local Flagship dealership and signed the papers on a shinny new Flagship, un-be-known to her this buy was seen by payed informant.
Nefertiti being toiled by her personal slaves in her private chambers, the smell of perfume and scented candles drifted through the pyramid hallways as her trusted adviser rushed to the Terrence and knelled. "My Queen," He says to her as she slowly stands from her scented bath, her body glistened with special waters from an exotic world. Two Slaves draped her essence with pure silk clothes as she is helped onto a waiting drying rug, "Speak to me," she says with a demanding tone. The agent never looked up, "My Queen, there has been a development in your realm, another claiming to be a God has taken refuge and built a Flagship." Only a whisper of slaves in the foreground busying them self's with minor matters for their God, "Dispatch my fleet, destroy its army then report your progress to me." Nefertiti slowly drifted in practiced walk as if floating above the floor, she pointed to a slave holding a elaborate jeweled gown. (6hrs 23mins passed)
The expansion of the false God Laura was halted, 4 of her precious worlds lay burning but one. Her First Prime's boot holding down this false God on the ground tells her, "Build no more for your gain but for your true God Nefertiti, you will be spared to serve now." The mighty Jaffa removed his armored boot from the back of her neck and barked an order and his staff of 5 prime Jaffa open fire killing her remaining servants and guard’s, the ground turned red with their sacrifice.

Trivia question of the week:

Note to the reader. The first person that correctly answers the question right below will be the winner and will receive 20,000 free Naq courtesy of Shadowing.

Question: What doll did carter play with as a child? And what did it come equipped with?

Thank you for reading.

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Apr 15 2014 9:45 pm

Major Matt Mason
Jet pack that made him fly

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
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Apr 15 2014 9:50 pm

Just saying I googled it and on stargate wikia it says

Major Matt doll- astraunaut

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Apr 15 2014 9:53 pm

The rest you won't be able to google.

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Apr 15 2014 9:54 pm

The rest you won't be able to google.

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Apr 15 2014 9:55 pm

"Did you have the cool little jet pack that made him fly" is the exact quote. Anyway this contest is an unfair contest and any who win any upcoming contest will be terminated by the Armageddon alliances until it is a fair contest is devised, regardless of who you are. Also anyone in charge of it will die as well. You can win 20k naq but I will destroy far more :D

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Apr 15 2014 9:55 pm

I didint have to use google. I take online stargate trivia for fun. I have had friends quiz me lol.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
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Apr 15 2014 10:04 pm

Yeah I didn't need google either. I've seen the series all the way through quite a few times.

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Apr 15 2014 10:22 pm

I am putting a banner together just for system lords.
Should have it ready by next GNT's issue :)

And, i vote for my self, im sure forgotten warrior will vote for me as well :)

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Apr 15 2014 10:40 pm

So...when can i expect that 20k naq? lol

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
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Apr 16 2014 12:41 am

whats the deal with the cheesy soft core porn fan fic crap at the bottom lol

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Apr 16 2014 5:08 am

Tartarus' banner!

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