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  • Demogorgon
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Mar 25 2014 9:38 pm

Galactic News Tribune

Issue I, Volume I

Hells Warlords obliterates Equilibrium.

War came yet again to Equilibrium's worlds when they were attacked in full force by a few members of Hells Warlords. After a feud between one of Binar's vassals and the leader of Equilibrium’s Bonedust, Binar, Hells Warlords leader, issued a call to arms within his empire. The great lords and high queens Nefertiti, Minion, Darkish, and Wayob answered that call and proceeded to strike Equilibrium with vengeance. In a gallant attempt to defend their alliance and leader lords Intrelzar, Firehammerwraith, Hiro, Tartartus, and Oisin of Equilibrium mustered what they had to meet their enemy head on. Witnesses and survivors tell this reporter that the battles where large indeed. Reports show that Equilibrium lost around 40 motherships, 1 Flagship, 23 bombers, more than 200 gliders. Also more than 50,000 Jaffa from both sides died on Equilibrium's worlds defending their masters honor. Countless slaves and infrastructure where obliterated in the ensuing battles. Now after losing more than 78,000 net worth, Equilibrium is 27th on the alliance ranking. Hells Warlords lost just over 30,000 net worth. It seems now that Equilibrium is more off balanced than ever before.

Written by Demogorgon

Lord Starkillersw vs. Alpha Gods

A one man against alliance war erupted yesterday after Starkillersw seiged a member of Epsilon Gods by the name of Warcommander also known as William841. Starkillersw was looking to take only status from Warcommander but very quickly the situation began to escalate. Soon Warcommnder began sending his loyal Jaffa through the Stargate to suicide on Starkillersw's worlds. After being told by Alpha Gods leader Lorddougy to leave or else, Starkillersw had this to say: "no". Soon after waves of attackers from Alpha Gods and their sister alliances descended on Starkillersw's worlds. In battle after battle in heroic defense of his worlds, Starkillersw defiantly destroyed Lorddougy's entire fleet. Lorddougy lost in the battle for United Forever 1 Flagship, 15 motherships, 21 gliders and over 3,000 Jaffa. In what started out as a simple status siege, evolved into a full out war in which many who witnessed it says it should have never gotten that far. Now with his worlds in ruins and still under attacks hourly, Starkillersw stands tall and continues to send thousands of loyal Jaffa through the Stargate in suicide attacks against his enemy's. Will Starkillersw survive this encounter? Only time will tell.

Written by Demogorgon

Recent forum posts

Check out these recent posts in the forums:

Has the game gone pay to win? By Progeekzy

Game Clock. By Doctorzoidberg

Zorn = Reaper AKA that super annoying guy from pre-reset. By Kelac

Daily gift. By Doctorzidberg

Quotes of the week.

I wonder if Willy (warcommander) and mittens are related..... By Progeekzy

Speaking to Lastdoctor: Didn't I tell you to Piss off with the sharing of the cookies... nobody wants to share their cookies... unless they have a hot wife...then maybe. - Marius.

Epic Whisper Fails

Yeah decaf tea works good. I recommend vanilla chai it helps my friend has it.(Realising Epic Whisper Fail) You saw nothing. Damon you know my friend has tea. - zero


Written by Voldermort

You brought smiles to all of our faces, Mittens. We will always miss hating you, buddy. Mittens passed away at the merciless hands of Eliphas. "I still visit his shallow grave" ~Cronus420
~Died at the young age of 6 days.

BoneDust, my dear friend, you were killed slowly, brutally, and painfully by Binar and his fellow warlords. May your next life be better than your first.
~Died at the age of 68 days.

As Aphrodite, you successfully managed to get picture off of multiple players. As Christ, you successfully proved that you know nothing about your own religion. As Voldemort2, you proved that there is only 1 true dark lord. You will be missed, may we see you again in a sixth life.
~Age unknown

As the only 12 year old boy in the galaxy, we respect your bravery. You have proved to us, not only that you can you be annoying as hell, but that there is no escape from your wrath. We have watched you grow and we have watched you fall, but only in death can we finally be rid of you once and for all. "I am not William841!!!!" -Warcommander.
~Age 12

It's always sad to see a troll die this quickly. In the Docs case, he was, you could say, Unfairly murderd for his sins in the chat room. On the 26th (PST) of march, 2014, DocBrown (formerly known as 'Balance,) was brutally raped and murdered by the system lord Binar and his underling, lady Nefertiti. These Gua'uld tore through his villages killing hundreds of thousands of slaves in the process. Poor DocBrown, he tried to retaliate by sending thousands of his most loyal and suicidal jaffa threw their gates, but it was no use in the end. May your third life be even more rewarding than the first two.

"He came to this game for revenge and ended up getting killed. He came back as Docbrown and he died again."

"Docbrown, A.K.A. Balance, should he rear his ugly head once more in utter hate. May he finally be reset, to do no harm again, or Shadowing will bring out his big gun! Pow BaN!"

~Died just over the age of 5 days old

If you wish to contribute articles or ideas to the Galactic News Tribune, private message me, Demogorgon, in game or here in the forum.

Thank you for reading. More to come soon.

  • Armyskydiver
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Mar 25 2014 9:45 pm

VERY NICE! I think you got something here!

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  • Joma secu
Mar 25 2014 9:51 pm

Good work.. +1 rep =)

Joma secu
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Mar 26 2014 12:37 am

Loving this. Can't wait for interviews to happen.

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Mar 26 2014 1:31 am

you know i like this though i'm not sure if it's good for me cuz I know i'll show up eventually. hopefully not in the headlines or obits. :)

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Mar 26 2014 2:39 am

I made the first post. Twice! lol. Great job +1 from me!!!

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Mar 26 2014 6:57 am

Just Brilliant! I loved reading this article!! I would help out, but alas I work two jobs 12 hours a day and am never home long enough. Pitty...

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Mar 26 2014 3:36 pm

Wow, that was indeed very nice. Looking forward to the next issue, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with this endeavor.

Supreme Commander Atum
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Mar 27 2014 5:58 am

Very creative. Most interesting! Please, keep up the good work, but watch those typos!

I give you an A+ on your first impressive endeavor!

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Mar 28 2014 12:50 am

Good work +1 from me

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Mar 29 2014 6:40 am

New category for the next issue: Best 8-ball questions and responses.

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Apr 07 2014 7:28 am

Loved it! +1 from me as well. Looking forward to the nest issue!