26horses Forum
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  • Kelac
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Mar 15 2014 7:25 pm

The Warlord sees the flagship, gets jealous of the goat and proceeds to throw an "Angry German Kid" inspired rage because they think only they are allowed to own flagships.

he then proceeds to have Angry Hassak with the goat because why else would the goat be there? -Warlord inspired Logic-

+ There was also a dragon but it was too full of crap to do anything, it died in a ditch five hours later and nobody grieved.

  • Kelac
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Mar 15 2014 7:29 pm

Clarification: the warlord get's jealous of the goat because it's better than him, at almost everything.

Especially playing games.

  • Commanderloch
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  • CommanderLoch duhh
Mar 15 2014 10:55 pm

what the hell did i just read?