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Feb 26 2014 3:39 pm

I think our awesome admin needs help policing for multi-accounts, hackers, and spammers(no not people you just don't like or who type something weird you can't read) but actual problem people in the game. We should pick our nominees and vote, with the approval of shadowing. This gives him more time to make the game awesome, and some breathing room. Because he needs it, and damn sure deserves it. So let's hear it for nominees, people who you trust to keep out of game info out of game. people who you would honestly trust with your account's safety. I'm talking about really trustworthy people. Please only nominate others and vote for others. Not yourself or we'd have a 400+tie.

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Feb 26 2014 3:41 pm

As stated I will volunteer. Impartiality is a must.

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Feb 26 2014 3:42 pm

I believe you should be nominated by someone else.

Systemlords Wow Much War Very Planets So Space
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Feb 26 2014 3:55 pm

id be a mod if i got paid in naq or something hahaha

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Feb 26 2014 4:04 pm

This is not for me to sell. it is an idea that you must earn, by vote, and with shadowing's approval. If he even goes for this. besides we should be happy to help him, even for free. He made this awesome game for us.

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Feb 26 2014 4:13 pm

Please remember that if everyone stuck by the game rules instead of cheating then we wouldnt need mods

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Feb 26 2014 4:14 pm

I agree there should definatly be a moderator

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Feb 26 2014 4:15 pm

i dont think it should be voted on, i think shadowing should do it personally if anything... i also feel the mod should have to use a separate account and be told to not reveal his player ID to anyone with the risk of being fired.

i feel this way because if it is voted on by the players all the mods would probably be warlords since they out number everyone else and would just elect someone with a (possibly) bias opinion towards specific people. no offense to you guys but you know im right lol.
the reason i feel noone should know the players actual game tag is because you dont want other players to try to bribe the mod so they do form a bias opinion should the offer be too good to refuse.

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Feb 26 2014 4:19 pm

hmm adadad ur digs at warlords gonna get u killed soon, I thught we was friends lol.

and my guys wont be bias if they was and if I found out they was I would boot them.

eitherway don't care if me or my members are I just want someone with a lot of time on there hands to stop these rules breakers

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Feb 26 2014 4:26 pm

I feel adadad is correct, and it should have to be a new account, One that is away from game viewlike what he said. so now I ask shadowing to read this and make your life easier, we don't need to know who it is, and that person whoever you might be, thank you. Shadowing needs the help. Of course that is if shadowing goes for this.

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Feb 27 2014 1:46 am

Well, considering that most of the multi-account players tend to go out of their way to target any member of Warlords they can find...It's not that hard to understand why we're in favor of having a moderator.

What it boils down to is that a lot of game rules are being broken with multi-accounting and people going completely over the line in chat with the things they say.

At one point, a player was making disgusting hassak ual comments about my daughter, who was 8 then.

Seriously, we need a moderator for chat, and a seperate moderator to track multi-accounting.

If the moderator/s abuse their priviledges, they should automatically be banned from the game, period.

That should be enough incentive to keep anyone from trying to use the position to benefit themselves or make things harder on people outside of their alliance.

It wouldn't be too difficult to put a system in place where the moderator/s are required to use some kind of logging software to send the infraction to Shadowing for approval before taking any action.

That way, they act as a middleman, so to speak, and Shadowing actually has approve the action before it is applied to the player.

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Feb 27 2014 9:02 pm

Have you noticed that Shadowing hasnt commented on any of these moderator threads. He doesnt want one or need one atm.

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