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  • Zirnitra
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  • Black Dragon of Death
Jan 30 2014 5:45 pm

Kree Lords. I am Lord Zirnitra, The Black Dragon

Soon the galaxy will be infested with inferior races.

To counter this threat, I am forming the Goa'uld Empire.

To be part of the GE send to me your allegiance from your alliance and proposed member.

Goa’uld Empire Treaty

We The Alliances of the Goa’uld Empire do hereby formally form this coalition of Goa'uld/System Lord alliances for the betterment of our kind. Unified under the GE High Council, we will once more regain the power we once had, using the Infinite might of our forces to bring all Goa’uld together and Crush those that oppose us.

Article 1. Government

Section 1. GE High Council

The GE High Council will be the guiding light of the G.E. It will be composed of two representatives from each of the founding alliances, one representative from new member alliances, and will be presided over by the Supreme System Lord. Any matters, from war to trade treaties, are to be brought before the council and voted upon. At anytime an alliance may change its representative, and that person shall be brought into the fold.

For laws to be passed, a simple majority vote is required. For an amendment to the Treaty, however, not only must you have a majority, but you must also have the backing of at least one of the founding alliances. If the vote fails, it may be brought up again, but it must be done by a different alliance. Any laws passed by the HC can be vetoed by the SSL.

Section 2. Supreme System Lord

The Supreme System Lord will preside over the High Council and the GE. The SSL will have final say in all matters but can be overridden by the HC with a 2/3 majority vote.

Article 2. Member Alliances

Section 1. Alliance Rights and Responsibilities

All member alliances of the GE shall retain their sovereignty. The GE will not interfere with the internal affairs of it's members unless either asked to do so, or the HC agrees that it is needed.

If you require assistance, and are part of a G.E. alliance then you may make your plea before the council, however, if you did not first attempt to get assistance from you own alliance first, your pleas will be ignored.

If any member of a G.E. alliance is found to be cheating, in any fashion, then he will be punished to the full extent, not only of his alliance, but all the alliances of the G.E.

All decisions of the HC are binding over it's members. Alliances may voice their objections but are expected to follow the decisions made by the majority.

Section 2. Joining the GE

Alliances seeking to join the GE must be Goa'uld alliances and meet any requirements set down by the HC for entrance. A simple majority vote of the HC is all that is needed to join the GE, unless vetoed by the SSL. All new member alliances will receive 1 representative on the HC.

Article 3. Coalition Relations

Section 1. Treaty Status

The GE Treaty will be considered a Mutual Defense Treaty between ALL member alliances. If attacked by overwhelming force, a member alliance can request and will receive aid from other GE members. If the member alliance is the aggressor, they can request aid, but member alliances are not obligated to assist unless they wish to.

Section 2. GE Members

Members of GE alliances are forbidden from any offensive attack against another GE member unless given permission by the alliance leader of the target.

Section 3. Foreign Relations

Any alliance, not seeking to join the Goa’uld Empire, that wishes peace and does not wish to open negotiations with each separate alliance, may come to the G.E. and request a peace treaty or to become allies. If accepted by the HC, then all member alliances will ratify the treaty, immediately. If two of our allies become locked in battle with one another, then we will stay neutral, unless one alliance can bring something to our attention, that we believe, gives us reason to assist them.

Ratified by:

Goa'uld Warlords- Founders

  • Zirnitra
  • Irregular
  • 154 posts
  • Reputation 53
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  • Black Dragon of Death
Apr 03 2014 7:29 pm
