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Mar 22 2025 8:28 pm

Guy's I'm taking a break. I am exhausted :)
Last few weeks this war has really wore me out. I also did more than i should of which caused even more work.

Im gonna sit back let you guys kill each other and stay the heck out of it.
I'm gonna work couple bugs on my list though one is fixing more issues with the damn accelerator. I'm gonna add few more things so this weapon easier to understand too.

I'm working on a little castle game atm that is pretty neat for mobile also need get a video made for a astrowars advertisement. I'll be testing using Unity Ads for the first time ever. If its successful and works well and cheap. I'll be doing it for System Lords to get us some more players. I still plan to put System Lords on Steam and Epic games. I thinking of introducing the AI first to the Hoags Galaxy. It be a better testing ground plus the war is going on in the milky way atm.

I do wanna say I am not happy with the game having to be push back in time. This is something I do not care for at all. Its not good for the player base either and it just confuses everyone and its not really a golden way of doing it due to some timers not being fixed after a roll back.

Couple players got to me a little this past week. Im really stressed atm. I am sorry and hopefully we can rebuild the relationship we once had. I'm managing two games now too. The other game does add to my day too. That game is a completed game though its not like System Lords where its still a on going concept. I hope soon I'll never even have to touch Asteroids. Its a pretty nice piece of software I made. The game runs its self by automatically resetting the map/rounds etc..

anyways lets all just move forward. System Lords gets crazy some times. Thats why people play it :)

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it