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Sep 24 2024 11:27 pm

[size=18][color=red]Poke TD with a Stick (or listening to TD pontificate)[/color][/size]

I will post some random conversations with AW's favorite whipping boy. I have stuff going back to late in Gold7 but will need to run it by TD to see if he will let me use it. I do respect our private conversations, even if he ripped on me as much as anyone else. I am going to use pseudonyms in place of all the real names to protect all the innocent players, because let's face it, TD likes to tear people apart.

"So you are nicer now than when I met you."
"I was always a good guy, I just don't hide the truth of how players are."
"So who upset you first in Blank alliance?"
"Well over time it was BLANK but BLANKY did one round also."
"Really? BLANKY? What did he do?"
"Well he was friends with MrBlank one round. BLANK alliance and IS were at war and BLANK and MrBLANK were doing FA with big fleets so I kinda killed both their fleets. lol."
"So FA xp for you and none for them. Ha!"
"Yep, that ended that FA crap."
"So when you were with OTHER alliance why did they hate you?"
"I just didn't like the multi accounts and they killed their own trader, BLANKITYBLANK mid-round."
"How did you know they were multis?"
"They even had one or two tagged as multis"
"So who was the most inadequate player you have ever played with?"
"There were so many...hard to pick one. Well, SUPERBLANK from OTHER alliance would have to be one"
"What did he do?"
"It was toward the end of the round. After what they did to BLANKITYBLANK I had a friend BLANKGUY kill SUPERBLANK's fleet wherever it went. Sometime SUPERBLANK would use a free planet to get a closer jump and BLANKGUY would get there first and Boom!"
"If I post this, somebody may be upset"
"I could tell you worse. BLANKGUY after running into SUPERBLANK's fleet so many times was like 'what? your alliance wants to attack us!!!' "
"That's hilarious. We'll talk more later"

I would ask if you have suspicions on who is who in this interview to keep it to yourself. I don't want to start a flamewar or start spreading rumours. If you must know something, pm me. I will delete all posts that could start a flame war on this topic. It is only for your reading enjoyment.

[size=18][color=blue]Meet Random Player[/color][/size]

Ok, so I used a random number generator and I came up with the number 924. So I go to the ranking for that day and I pull up player ranking #924. I send him a pm and this is what I got back...

Ok, so we will try it again next time and hopefully the interview will be more entertaining.

[size=18][color=yellow]Slogging Through the Muck[/color][/size]

I decided to pick one of the topics that is very long and full of lots of spam. If you haven't read any of it, you can read this and know just what is going on or you can read the 28 pages of replies. The following is a synapsis of this topic: CRS vs. FIR et reciproquet http://www.astrowars.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=29448&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0

Hmmm, a declaration of war. Lots of spam. Lots of spam to and from Vix. A battle finally....then lots of talk about the battle, degrading into some spam. Lots more funny spam between friends. Another battle report and some spam about Bess being Superman with some included images. Exchanging of songs and then talk about solos being too strong this round. Exchanging of youtube videos. Finally some more battles and then talk about how to connect from your girlfriends house. Some good posts about building a SB for defense which needed a friendly siege. Battle reports and discussion of a tank video. Seems German tanks are the best. Ugghh, more songs. A link to a calender which is quite funny. If you can speak French you can read even more about this war in French support. Something sick involving chickens. DinAlt needs nearly 300 more posts to join CRS. Talk about fast food restaurants. Buffalo, beer, sheep, cheese etc. Someone tries to bring it back on topic and then a discussion about colors ensues. Wow! A bunch more battle reports. Discussion about who's winning and Fir attacks TSH also. Undercover nicknames. Seems that there are some secrets....shhhh. Apparently someone is using a Fourgon to attack with. Trust me it doesn't look very scary. Some big battles start and feelings are hurt over SB's built using a bug. Some flaming but mostly fairplay. Pupute destroys Kap's fleet and a moderator gets involved to calm things down. After a hot time some beers are shared. CRS battle results from their coordinated attack is shared. CRS has headaches from too much beer. Yay! We are back to spam. Gangsters are evil. Fir is hiding. Vixen gets upset and takes some cheering up. Perhaps there is a Fir spy? Discussion about spies; some like some don't. Then Vix posts an incoming and there is some discussion about that. There are back and forth battles and each side does some damage. And finally Vixen goes off-topic. What a perfect way to end.


[size=18][color=orange]Solo's Point of View[/color][/size]
Solo's like to play to, but why do they do it. No friends? Too stupid to realize they are food? Like the challenge? Whatever the reason we are going to talk to a solo playing this round. His name is StarTrick and perhaps you have heard of him... or not.

Why did you decide to play solo?

[color=orange]I decided to play solo this round at the end of the last round because playing in team means that you must be active where and when the team needs you...
And i failed in this part on the last round (nobody told me but im sure they though i was too much inactive) and I was not sure at all to be enough active this round then i decided to play solo.

As i knew I was going to play I decided to test some strat aswell to don't lose the time of the round for nothing ...[/color]

What has been the hardest part?

[color=orange]The hardest thing was to be as neutral as possible to stay in good term with people new to me, with the lowest diplomacy possible (to stay as neutral as possible)[/color]

Would you do it again?

[color=orange]Maybe i don't know , but I won't do the same thing, the strat I tried don't work as fine as I wish.[/color]

How much diplomacy did you try?

[color=orange]Very low diplomacy mainly due to the location of my starting system, I had few people arround me active.[/color]

What is it like at beginning vs the middle of the round?

[color=orange]I find it pretty strong at begining and middle but of course at the end of the round it's pretty impossible to keep the challenge with people from alliancies ...[/color]

Anything else you would like to add about playing this game solo?

[color=orange]The new stuff about starbases is very nice for solo, not imbalanced but needed , without a good use of the starbase raise, solo player can only have a chance with a huge diplomacy (and even if they do mass diplomacy they are not sure to get a chance at the end)
Thanks a lot,


I tried to get some others to answer my questions but apparently solo's like to keep a low profile.