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Jun 24 2024 11:00 pm

Things may change or I may be inaccurate. Always happy to learn more through trying to teach what I know. If you have any more good tips, especially things not fleshed out in the in game guide yet, please share more.

1. Radar - currently radar works only when ships are going to a planet you occupy with buildings OR a planet you are sieging. The moment a player sends fleet to come to a planet you control your Radar will pick it up and you will know exactly when it arrives. But not what is arriving. SO when attacking someone you want to drop in on vacant planets next to the target so they don't see you incoming. This also shows the benefit of wanting every planet in a system you are controlling so you can't be snuck up on without them jumping from a nearby star.

Additional note if you are within a certain proximity to someones planets you can see their science break down.
If you have your biology 6 levels above the enemy you can see their science break down and racial modifiers and they can't see yours.

2. Trade Agreements - It is something that cost 240k astro credits to setup for both players. If you have the trader race upgrade then you can receive an offer for free, but the person offering the agreement must always pay.
For every planet your partner has with population over 10, you receive 1% bonus to growth, science, culture, production. Its been suggested to start considering trade agreements once you've gotten 9 planets colonized.

3. Supply Units - I made a thread about how these can be sold for astro dollars that can be converted to production points on your largest planet. See there for further explanation. Leveling up fast and early for at least the 1st couple levels to get big pay outs from the supply units is critical to propelling your growth.

4. Colony Ships - You do not get any kill points for destroying Colony or Transport ships. You can still blockade a base and bombard it with just a colony ship in place.

5. Population produces +1 science and +1 production. Having your social science 6 levels higher than the population of a planet makes it eligible for spontaneous growth and potentially skip a level daily. Having a strong population is giving both production and science modifiers so is a potent effect.

6. Starbases - Auto upgrade themselves after the 1st one. Players are hunting the map for these to take for XP. Building multiple starbases up is just painting a target on your head. In general you want to minimize building military as much as you can to focus on fundamental growth buildings. Hostile neighbors may require a different approach.
communicating with neighbors about future trade agreements and perhaps some mutual sacrifices of ships to earn early level ups to get the supply unit rewards.

7. Ranker - You can glean a lot of information from the ranker. It is able to filter lots of different ways to see information about opponents. Folks you may be gathering intelligence on, or to compare and contrast your own milestones with that of folks higher on the ranker.

8. When traveling to planets you control you go at half the speed!
You also go half speed when traveling to a planet one of your alliance members control!

9. There is Player Level, and Player Score. Your player level rises based on killing units in combat, rising per the combat value of ships destroyed. Your overall player score is the combed score of your player level and your planets with population over 10. The only way for players to dethrone players at 500 or more points is by reducing the population they control.

Population left to run rampant can potentially score more effectively in the late game than the military focused player early game.

You can be totally passive and beat out those that focus on military.

In fact the farmer playstyle is totally a thing that can pair with other roles when thinking in terms of an alliance. Some players go so far as to try and start in a general area together all with different roles, some being fast and militaristic, others to be farmers, others to be traders with the trade agreement mod. Maybe one is the eyes going all in on science and biology.

Not everyone's motivation will be to win the round themselves as much as come up with other person achievements and goals as a team.

10. You can collect free production points a couple times a day via the in game store. However the app and steam version currently don't work 6/26/24 so you have to do it from the browser version of the game.

11. Premium players can see who is online in real time, and can see when the last time a player logged in was.

12. Biology - The sight extension is specifically from your starting system. It will not be extended by further planets. To note the extended sight is a circle of visibility and not a square.

13. When you convert your production points to astro dollars across all your planets and then convert it to production points, typically you can only spend those funds on your primary planet. With the help of allies you could have your planets sieged to funnel the money to the planet of your choice.

14. Joint battle with alliance members: When it does the math for total attack points, each players stats are added up as attack points and and combined together. Then all attack points from each fleet are added together and compared to the attacker. The player level of the group is an average of all participants to determine a player level bonus for either side.

As I learn more, and think of more helpful information that should be accessible I'll update it here. Please feel free to let me know more good information on playing the game at ones best.

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Jun 25 2024 1:22 am

Ya I need to go through the guide. now that we got players coming in im more opt to get that done. Try to work on it a little each night for a few days till its done.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it
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Jun 25 2024 3:56 am

Totally get it. I'm very appreciative of all we have. I just want to help fill in the gaps of what information isn't easily available yet!

Thanks Shadowing!

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Jun 25 2024 4:02 am

Ya will help me not forget anything

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it
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Jun 25 2024 11:36 pm

Editing to OP Post

Studying how to earn points in the guide I thought the only way to score points towards the 500 for winning was through combat.

However there is another way to score.

For Every Population point above 10 on a planet you control will earn you a victory point. Which in turn awards supply units.

You can be totally passive and beat out those that focus on military.

In fact the farmer playstyle is totally a thing that can pair with other roles when thinking in terms of an alliance. Some players go so far as to try and start in a general area together all with different roles, some being fast and militaristic, others to be farmers, others to be traders with the trade agreement mod. Maybe one is the eyes going all in on science and biology.

Not everyone's motivation will be to win the round themselves as much as come up with other person achievements and goals as a team.

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Jun 26 2024 5:19 am

Just learned another valuable lesson!

When traveling to planets you control you go at half the speed!

You also go half speed when traveling to a planet one of your alliance members control!

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Jul 04 2024 11:05 pm

Forum isn't letting me modify original post so will add this here for now.

Trade agreements provide the 1% bonus to stats for every planet with population over 12...

Pop over 10 gives a Victory point.

Having a science over level 20 gives a victory point!

You can still convert planets resources to your primary planet even when your planets are under siege.

Your planets appear to still collect resources while under siege you can just only have access to it by converting to astro dollars and utilizing it on your primary unsieged location.

The only way to take the planet from another planet is by killing the pop with transports while having an available culture slot.

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Jul 07 2024 11:59 pm

You can not abandon planets you just captured without a waiting period. Currently I believe its 24 hours to wait.

Also you can't abandon a planet while under siege.

You don't need colony ships to take over a planet your sieging. You just have to have your ships on a sieged planet and hit take over. The colony ships are just for boosting the planet.

The primary planet your funds will allocate too for converted astro dollars appears to be the planet with the highest population, rather than the one with the highest building total.

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Jul 12 2024 10:31 pm

Bases that sit idle from inactive players still will be generating production points on that planet. If you find a base that has been afk for a long time, you could find yourself a substantial pay out by killing the pop and taking over the planet as your own. You of course will also get the buildings that were there, but will knock them each down 2 levels.

I think its the most beneficial if you can take a planet rather than start one from scratch, boosting it with colony ships.