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  • Binar
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Sep 05 2018 8:56 am

I just want to report that I think there may be a bug with the acquisition of Technology points. World's with 100 Gates built on them are not producing the accurate amount of Technology points per cycle. 30 minutes after I do a trade all if I go back to my trade screen and scroll down most of my planets all match but some planets don't have any checkpoints even though they have a hundred Gates on them. I think something is broken.

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Sep 05 2018 9:07 am

Probably a update issue.
A planet doesn't update unless you click on it to save server load. Some things will trip a update all planets function though. Like clicking on your dominion window will do it. When you do a Trade all I think it updates all planets too there as well.

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Sep 05 2018 9:09 am

I just checked clicking on the trade tab should be updating all planets tech.
The main trade window not the planet list. So clicking on trade and then back to planet list on the trade window should update it.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it
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Sep 05 2018 9:10 am

I've done both quite a few times actually. It still seems to be doing it. To put a number on it, over the last few days I'm only getting roughly 60% of the tech points that I should be getting. Like the number in the statistics window is correct...but when I go to my Dominion window it's nowhere near close. And I gave it a good 24 hours before reporting it just to make sure there was in fact an issue.

I am Binar
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Sep 05 2018 9:17 am

Also I'm now having an issue transferring naq between planets. I'm getting a message saying "you don't have that many resources to transfer" when I don't have anything other than naq selected.

I am Binar