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  • Thereaper
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Sep 20 2017 11:00 pm

orion quit texting me, im not your wife, i dont need those pictures but still its flattering.

speaking of flattering, amir quit flattering in a crowded elevator. thats just gross.

canshow i want that jar of dirty pennies you promised me

and the poser grimreaper quit pooping in the woods and wiping with leaves, thats how you get poison ivy on your bum.

lastwilliam you sure as hell better quit sending me grinder invitations

oh and to shadowing, stay cool my friend

almost forgot about emp, sorry emp your just forgetable, bow to me or perish"see canshow the correct way to spell it"

also shadowing do you still love the game of golf, i was thinking we could hang out and do a round.

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Sep 20 2017 11:05 pm

also who likes chinese food. i sure do, thai as well..... some pad thai sounds good right now.

do canadians have a name for american foods like cheeseburgers and onion rings.
do they call it americano food?

also why do british pounds weigh so much. does it have to do with gravity or what?

why is jupiter in our orbit, i heard alot of people call it the moon but to me its jupiter

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Sep 20 2017 11:46 pm

Lol.... jupiter it's just a short name 'ju pi ter" you got the clue what i wanna say 😅

American Food is the same as we call it Dutch food 😉 friet with frikandel special. Or Kroket. You back it in oil and 10min later it's ready ☺

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Sep 20 2017 11:52 pm

Murica! Home of the fat, land of the free!

In all seriousness, just go to any local food store if you want a 20,000 calorie meal.

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Sep 21 2017 12:26 am

Wow, circumventing the chat ban. Real classy.

  • Thereaper
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Sep 21 2017 12:59 am

lmao canshow, since i have you what is the status of the jar of dirty pennies

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Sep 21 2017 1:43 am

eym bowlin 2 trak meye bawls a

yoar phaze

  • Walmartwarrior
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Sep 21 2017 1:43 am


  • Thereaper
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Sep 21 2017 2:11 am

canshow its perish. pairesh isn't even a word

Supreme Commander