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  • Lorddougy
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Jul 10 2012 8:20 am

Attackers can only gain dominion level experience from attacking other goa'ulds that are equal to or greater then their own dominion level.
<br /><br /><br />I think this a little extreme, the idea is good but atm a little extreme. <br /><br />Can you make it so you only gain experience if you attack someone with 1 dominion level lower and all the dominion levels equal too and higher?<br /><br />[i]Reason[/i]: there are 3 at dom 6, i can only attack those other 2. Worst, i did attack 1 of them, I go to dom 7. I cant grow in dominion till someone catches up to me.....<br /><br /><br />Can you also make it that it does not matter who attacks you, you gain experience. Ie even if a dom 4 attacks me, i gain experience from the battle as im not the attacker but the defender. <br /><br />[i]Reason[/i]: Lets say I had my entire army on one planet at lvl 6. someone that is lvl 4 builds a bigger army, wipes out my entire army. I get no experience atm....

  • Shadowing
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Jul 10 2012 10:45 am

I actually agree with&nbsp; you Dougy, you should at least be able to attack someone 1 Dominion Lvl under you, or else you&#039;d have to be attacking non-player worlds for EXP from then on xD

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  • Lorddougy
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Jul 11 2012 12:35 pm

Please Shadow can you make it 1 less dom level as well, there are ppl out there with huge armies that I want to attack that isnt greatly in my favour but I don&#039;t get any exp for which is really unfair and makes it pointless attacking except to be a dick....

  • Ronondex
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Jul 11 2012 1:39 pm

i agree with that too... maybe it would be an idea to say that if you attack one who is 1 lvl behind you, you only get lets say 60% of the xp you would get by attacking a player with an equal dom lvl.

  • Shadowing
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Jul 13 2012 8:15 pm

I did it due to the staff cannon over kill. Its not to stay.<br /><br /><br />its already set up where the lower level you attack the less xp you get.<br /><br />few players sent staff cannons around killing jaffa with no losses increasing their levels fast. Inorder to make alpha testing test worthly i had to do this for a bit.

What ever you can do or dream you can always begin it because boldness has genius, power and magic in it