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  • Hanubku
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Apr 22 2016 5:59 pm

Hey there. The game could get more depth by adding a few small things.
Things like multiple use for ressources.
If we fight with a mothership or a flagship, our ships lose hp. These hp have to be regenerated. I think this model should be reworked. There is no reason why regenerating hp should be "free".
Of course those ships have shields and those shields can be regenerated/reloaded time after time for free. BUT those ships also have a hull/armor. Lets say 20% of a ships health are shields and the rest is hull/armor.
A hull doesnt reconstruct itself. So why dont we use ressources to repair the damage of a ship? Maybe different races should have a different amount of shield. For example the furlings have 30% shield, the onac only 20%. Im not too deep into the SG background knowlede.. so no idea if the different shield strengths are realistic. I bet others know this better. But I hope you get the point.
Furthermore I think that there should be more reasons to have a warsat then only the 1m ground defence! A warsat should be freaking awesome to have.
I know there were already many ideads in the past about the use of warsats.
I think that there should be some different specializations a warsat can be built up to. For example a speacial building for operations, infiltrations, production of ressources, tech and naq and so on. Of course this buildings should have a special price and the boost should be significant. Also there should be something like a tax that the owner of such a warsat will recieve, according to the number and lvl of planets (maybe the lvl of buildings should also be counted) in the warsats system. The tax can be some of the 3 ressources, or what I think what would be more interesting is if the tax is status (only really slowly of course). This way people will risk far more to take a warsat and the game will become more exciting.
I dont know what you all think about it. Maybe a few of you want to give their two cent about those ideas.

Greetings Han