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May 18 2012 1:25 am

Just gathering some imput and what most people want in a game as if the game should reset or not.
Please sumbit a vote in the poll above

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May 18 2012 1:40 am

Personally speaking I wouldn't want a re-set.

However when it came to limits it would depend on units. For example if we had units that could generate income and be re-trained I would want limits as then the competition would be limited but no one could sit and just generate.

On the other hand though, if all units were killable for whatever reason then I would happily put in limitless as no one would be completely safe. Even if someone became incredibly powerful.. if they annoyed the wrong group they could be defeated.

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May 18 2012 3:08 am

I don't think a reset is necessary if you have a proper mechanic to both allow newer players to remain competitive with older more developed players and prevent exponential growth/unlimited growth amongst older players. Unless your goal is a tournament format for your game.

The easiest way to impose limits is for units and planets to have upkeep and the more stuff you have, the more expensive it is to purchase more stuff. This doesn't solve the problem however as it simply slows growth without allowing the means of younger players to remain competitive; it also creates a fear among older players of risking everything and falling down with the ability to never recover. Case in point: I played another space strategy game where this one older player spent over a year building up his strength for a massive war. He went to sleep one night and when he woke up he found all of his strength destroyed in one quick battle. He quit the game. Afterwards the older players didn't want the same thing to happen to them so they more-or-less focused exclusively on younger/weaker players.

I suggest three things to remedy it.

I) Your total number of ships are limited by the number of planets you control. However, the more planets you control, the less efficient your government becomes, lowering each planets productivity.

II) Allow stronger players to assist weaker players economically. Every 7 days a stronger player may "aid" up to two weaker players. For each weaker player the stronger player suffers a -20% income/resource/production penalty empire-wide. Meanwhile the weaker player gains a +15% income/resource/production bonus and can only be aided by two stronger players at any given time. The effects last 7 days.

III) Scale costs for weak/strong players. Combine the 'strength values' of all players and take the average of it and use it to scale costs. For every percentage point you're below the average, the cost to build things drops by the same value. Vice-versa if you're above the average. The maximum cost decrease/increase would be 75%.

The point is not for the players to accumulate more and more stuff, becoming stronger and stronger (which becomes the case for many games), but for the players to beat the crap out of each other without worrying about never being able to catch back up. Whatever players work together most effectively will come out on top. Which sounds pretty strategy-like to me.

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May 18 2012 3:23 pm

My vote goes to No resets, no cap. But with heavy limitations at the top end of the scale. It's really difficult to get this balance right but adding a Cap just means harcore players will have very little left to do.

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May 18 2012 5:01 pm

My vote goes for no limits no resets, but that's my vote and what I'd personally want. Thinking about it realistically you'd need to have limits of some kind if you are going to have no reset.

Why not consider a psudo-reset as in every x months the asgard perform a calculated attack on all goa'uld systems that can be implemented in the form of a leveled nuclear strike. The bigger accounts would lose more but that's to be expected, bigger threats attract more attention. Young accounts slip below the radar and accounts under a certain power level since they haven't caused enough attention to be noticed on anyone's radar?

Just a thought. Bigger accounts wouldn't like it but if everyone above a certain level is losing a % of their power then the amount you lose won't put you below someone behind you but it would put you closer to their reach.

Also: First post for me :o

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May 18 2012 5:17 pm

No limits, no resets, but everything killable (and not difficult at that).
Also a gradual increase in 'starting resources' (if there is such a thing) to about 40% of the average account, so that the 'gap' between old and new players does not increase too rapidly.

Also recommend you make the community aware that your original decision (limits/resets/..) can be changed if at some mid-game evaluation it turns out to be flawed. :)

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May 18 2012 10:29 pm

No reset or limits. I would like a particular mechanic in the game that doesn't allow for exponential growth of strength and resources.

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May 19 2012 1:10 am

Interesting idea. You mean such as the inability to buy or trade or even raid a large amount in one go? Say per 24 hours?

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May 19 2012 1:32 am

Hmm. I'm slightly confused as to what you are all talking about. Is this game a multiplayer game?

Also, from what I've read, it sounds slightly similar to a game I play: Galaxy Legion A little more information should sort out the mess my noggin is in, but please forgive me. It's early at night... 02:30AM. Furthermore, to stop clutter in this thread, could someone kindly PM me any information, please?

Thanks in advance, Jordan.

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May 19 2012 1:42 am

Yes, this is a browser based Online Multiplayer game. You have the ability to gather resources and attack other players. You are a System lord who is trying to build his/her domain and maybe wipe a few other Go'uld out if possible.

@Semper, yes, I just don't like games where one can gather say 5 Ha'tak in less than a day. Or even slaves so to speak. It ruins the excitement of gathering resources.

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May 19 2012 1:43 am

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I understand now. Kinda jumped into the deep end, with no idea what a pool is. This is going to be awesome!

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May 19 2012 6:27 pm

Yeah, no. I agree actually. It's more realistic if it takes some time to plan and construct those hataks rather than just build them. On the other hand though what if you capture them?

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