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Feb 05 2016 3:44 pm

Okay protection mode is basically something you can buy for 10 dollars that makes you untouchable for 7 days straight. "the resistance" or whatever the shel kree they call themselves now lose to the shadow council over and over again, and each time before we can finish them off they buy protection.

It ruins gameplay when an entire alliance - and I literally mean the entire nox alliance- buys protection for months at a time to escape wars that they lose.

put a cooldown on buying protections, or increase the price by a lot so these massive cowards actually have to play the game.

Have a good one,


  • Zirnitra
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Feb 05 2016 5:46 pm

I agree with Amir. Protection for 7 days is for new players.
Existing older players and the protection for 7 days is over powered.
This kills game play.

So, make it that you can either buy protection still or use a X amount of naq to but PPT for 48 hours. In this time you cannot attack anything, but regroup and re-build.

Whilst still in PPT, if its near the end, you can do it again (pay or naq) and get another 48 hours PPT.

After that your out and must wait until for the new week to begin.

2X 48HRS a week will help game play, players cannot abuse it and makes the game more strategic.

Also, if you hit a palyer or AI then you must wait 24 hrs to go into PPT.

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Feb 05 2016 11:00 pm

Oh my god. You can't be serious. How did you beat us? We didn't go down. The way i see it Darklord lost his fleets twice. We Didn't lose fleets. You begged us to come out of prot and when we did, you just bought more to get up again and you call us hippocritical liars and ouutlaws and whatever. Oh please cry the nox a river! Your time will come, soon. ALL HAIL THE NOX!

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Feb 05 2016 11:27 pm

So true they only complain just because they can't get it over with as fast as they want and because they know we are a threat to them as long as we are still standing we will free the galaxy of your tyranny

long live the nox
down with the shadow council

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Feb 06 2016 12:49 am

I will take you out personally Amunra. Your a false god and I will show how foolish you are.

And Brimstone, come back when you can actually see the real facts ingame. Your head is so far up your own arse you cannot see daylight. Call it how it is, not some cha'tii you think you see. I hate people who are so one sided they see every defeat a win.

Tell me this then, why did you all go on protection. You in your terms took out darklord, 1 member down. Your alliance was above us in networth. Trueasgard had the biggest fleet seen this side of the reset.
You had the same FS size as us but you did nothing.

So call it as it is seen. No one in the Shadow Council are on protection. So shut the shel kree up and do something. Infact, everyone in your alliance did more than you. If I was trueasgards, I would be annoyed you did jack. At least Scrow and Tron showed ex-Warlord balls.

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Feb 06 2016 1:36 am

Now now Zirnitra Brimstone is honorable :P

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Feb 06 2016 2:47 am

for anyone who actually knows anything about strategy, its knowing when to fight and knowing when to rebuild. the shadow council is falling and they do realise this, that's why they reopened their alliance to new players. how many of you are Stargate fans? Truth be known, the Nox are a peaceful race that is far superior with the ability to hide entire cities from their enemies. keep watching as the shadow council constantly get out smarted and out numbered. ;-)

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  • Black Dragon of Death
Feb 06 2016 4:58 am

I cannot argue with that logic lol

  • Canshow
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Feb 06 2016 7:46 am

Why can't we all just get along like hippies?

True, you could've dropped that money on organizing a blunt party for the SL community. But instead of trying to get us high you want to make us die? tal lak man.

You need to be hit by your girl friend.

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Feb 07 2016 7:39 pm

Hahaha, this is dumb. Seriously guys? No matter what people always find a way to complain about something. People always find ways to abuse/exploit things and take advantage of them, then ruin it for others. However, I do not think that is completely the case here at all. I do think it is pretty dumb that people can just keep buying protection over and over, but that is just how it is. They spent the money on that and that is there choice; it comes out of their pocket.

As mentioned by Scorpy players need time to rebuild, if they had not bought protection, the council would have knocked them out right as the started playing again. They would have no chance of rebuilding. Buying anything else in the market would be useless because the council would just steal it all. Without protection they would not have been able to get to the point they are now without getting reset again. The council has had so long to build and fortify their empire, the nox just started. The Council has tons of material at their disposal, tons of fleet, and plenty of well defended worlds. The nox needs time to grow, or they do not stand a chance. Naquada is not everything in this game. Since they have had protection and have begun to rebuild, hopefully things will start to get interesting.

Perhaps there should be a cool down for protection, but meh I am not sure that would be the right thing to do because it is money they spent in the market. Maybe people can buy anti protection to get someone out of protection? Probably a dumb idea, but just a thought.

The Council should be happy and relieved. After all, they finally have an opponent around their size to engage in war with. Patience, the time for war will come.

Down with the Sith!

Lord Money$eal
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Feb 08 2016 8:09 am

well said moneyseal.