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  • Sadeyes
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Sep 09 2015 10:50 am

All Hail Shadowing.

Shadowing is now able to see people trying to login with multis and people trying to exploit glitches. This has led to him finding out Yamamoto has been cheating. That along with Excellion's profile description makes me suspicious of the older members of Invincible. Excellions profile said something like "if we find a glitch it is our duty to exploit it." I always saw that as a joke until now, sadly Shadowing can't check if anyone has cheated in the past. So my advice to anyone using multi's, if you can't do well without cheating then find a different game.

All Hail Shadowing for his finest addition to the game.

It's impossible. I hate it. It's evil. It's astonishing. I want to kiss it to death.
  • Axufuris
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Sep 09 2015 1:07 pm

These kind of posts are going to make me mad. Excellion posted that on his profile because he was always telling Shadowing about bugs and issues. If he saw others using them he called them out on it. I can't even count the amount of forum posts he put up that went into great detail about the various bugs and glitches that many others would not even tell shadowing about. How about not running the rest of the good people in invincible through the mud. We all earned where we were.

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Sep 09 2015 5:24 pm

Zuff I was talking about how it looks, like I said I saw it as a joke but because Yama was caught Excellion's profile makes the whole thing suspicious. I never thought Yama would cheat and I don't like because of it doubts creep in. Can you not see it from my point of view?

It's impossible. I hate it. It's evil. It's astonishing. I want to kiss it to death.
  • Axufuris
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Sep 09 2015 6:19 pm

Yes one person was caught cheating in our alliance. That does not call in to question every single person in our alliance. No i do not see it from your point of view because you were around to see every single post exc posted that had complete details of every single glitch that was ever found by him. Many of those glitches would have gave us huge advantages over the competition in the wars we were in but he always chose to post them up, even before sharing them with the rest of us.

There have been many many other people in this game that have been caught cheating or exploiting glitches, does that now call in to question every person that they were in alliances with? Hell i seem to remember Olek getting caught using status glitches when Exc posted up a huge forum post detailing to shadowing and he was still using it. Does that now call into question you, Kelac and every other ex-PE member's integrity?

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Sep 10 2015 12:54 am

That is such nonsense, Sadeyes.

Olek was not caught exploiting a status glitch. There was a bug with status and that is how we found out about it. Olek openly complained about it in chat for about twenty minutes.

Sadeyes blames you for the same reason you blame Olek, he doesn't like you. Why don't you all just grow the @$%^ up for a change.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
  • Sadeyes
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Sep 13 2015 11:03 pm

Since my memory is bad, the main claim on Olek was that Shadowing was funding him. There is a reason I try to always add "I can only comment on what I see." It is because I am not always paying attention to the game when it shows me as online. If the status glitch that has been mentioned is the one where someone allowed you to siege their planet. If that is a glitch, I think I was in warlords when Necro offered his help. I am not sure, it could have been PE but if you ask Necro he might remember. I only check galaxy chat that I have missed if someone tells me too or I see my name mentioned. If Olek was using glitches, then yes from my point of view we would also be suspect. I would also be more than happy to have Shadowing look over my account.

It's impossible. I hate it. It's evil. It's astonishing. I want to kiss it to death.