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  • Cakes
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Jan 28 2015 5:04 pm

Cakes is displeased, most displeased. Shadowing how you going to just leave a game that is clearly in some sort of beta development for several days at at a time when there isnt even a moderator! People's networths are all over the place all of them benefitting from the 300% bonus from a recent naq production update! The game is so buggy and luckily you have a community willing to report bugs but that doesnt matter if you arent here to fix them! Recently abydos froze for like 30 minutes and you were on at the time to fix it, but imagine if you werent? You cant leave bugs running for days at a time. I remember when Kelac (the first one) was wiped out completely lost the biggest fleet in the game by hihiihihiihihi because this guy had 2 million jaffa when most of us were proud to have a single mothership! Luckily you were there to fix it and you gave Kelac his stuff back, but when you have this stuff going on for three or four days its just depressing.

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Jan 28 2015 5:06 pm

Ah! Cakes triumphant return!

Let's see. He's been around, but not much. An old player. Let's see who's online.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Jan 28 2015 5:06 pm

What other bugs besides the networth one are there?

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Jan 28 2015 5:07 pm

First time I agree with cakes. I think that is one of the 7 signs of the appocalypse.

It's impossible. I hate it. It's evil. It's astonishing. I want to kiss it to death.
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Jan 28 2015 5:07 pm

Oh there are quite a few bugs these past 5 days, Iapetus. It is very noticeable that this game is in anarchy right now.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Jan 28 2015 5:09 pm

I haven't been on much lately but i imagine it's getting pretty bad without shadowing around lol

  • Kynell
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Jan 28 2015 5:18 pm

cakes is true, i was forced to give you a +1 for that comment cakes

  • Excellion
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Jan 28 2015 5:30 pm

Shadowing is around.

The problem is with Shadowing giving the game 100% of his attention, it still wasn't enough but, as a community, we understood and suffered through the pain knowing he was highly responsive and doing everything reasonably possible.

What bugs are there? Well there are numerous game changers such as:

nw bug which has existed for 6 months. An easy fix is to run the nw repair script hourly but Shadowing is concerned about server load. A server should be EASILY able to handle 1000 if not 10k players. As a database administrator for many years I can definitively state a properly optimized query to fix nw should complete somewhere between a fraction of a second to a few seconds. Run the script hourly lol

attack / reinforce bug where when you look at your screen it says a mission will take 3 minutes but when you launch it shows as taking over an hour. This issue expands as missions which may take 30 minutes might take several hours. As a result, reinforcements are late and it changes the winner of battles

fleet duplication bug where players are able to repeatedly duplicate their fleet including flagships

Professional games are developed where all these calculations and events are handled in the database. Database transactions are exceptional fast and 100% reliable. The massive number of bugs, speed problems and other issues are due to them being handled in the web layer (javascript, etc). That is why if you click fast enough you can send extra missions, deposit past 1 mill, etc.

So many other issues. Another player just built a flagship on Dakara. It is not even close to reasonably possible. As someone who has created test accounts with Shadowing's permission for the purpose of making game videos, I can assure you every player on Dakara is pounded like hell with infiltrations. There is no depot or hiding in a small galaxy. To save 40k for a SS would be a challenge. The idea of saving 255k for a flagship is utterly ridiculous for a new player. It is pure multis and exploits. If player's attack and infiltration logs were transparent, such cheats would easily and instantly be seen.

Dozens of other issues:

- Technology was added back but we cant use it.

- 300% naq bonus makes the idea of players paying for naq boosts laughable and is mainly being used as a major incentive for multis. Make a couple multis optimized for naq production and let your main account steal / attack and get all the naq. Just what the game needed...a massive incentive for multis which is so big, it beats every other earned incentive in the game COMBINED. You have to fight for a naq field to get 25%, pay for a bonus which gives 65%, earn status for months to get a 40% boost but you can get 300% for literally nothing other than making a new account? LOL

- Resources are still not implemented properly in game. There is no balance here.

- Slaves are worthless on Chulak, and on Dakara/Abydos, every player can delete all their homes as once they have max slaves there is no purpose for them

- Mobile used to be playable, but now it is not

- The 5 minute re-route rule is one of the biggest steps backwards the game has taken. At some points it seems changes are made based on 1 player providing a baseless complaint.

I could go on with so much more. As it stands, the game is a great proof of concept. It is a nice ALPHA. In the development environments I have worked, if a lead developer presented something with this many issues for a beta test, it would be a severe blow on their annual performance review. They would lose most of their annual bonus and be placed to work under a different lead developer.

Sorry if I sound bitter. Don't mind me. I have done all I can to support the game in every way possible. I have given up at this point.

I hunt the sheep of war...
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Jan 28 2015 5:33 pm

Spokesman Excellion here with another fun speech!

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
  • Iapetus
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Jan 28 2015 5:47 pm

Mobile is unplayable which is egregious for a game like this.