26horses Forum
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  • Cakes
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Dec 17 2014 11:44 pm

Time for some supporters of the update to speak up.

Every game needs a way to limit instantly creating hundreds of units and wreaking havoc across the game. Unit build times will fix this.

There is now also strategy to maintaining armies (makes the game more challenging OH NOOOO) and gives everyone something to do after doing everything else, also its more realistic.

Having only one resource is dull.

All of his updates are encouraging war as well (if you have noticed).


  • Cjamieson99
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Dec 17 2014 11:46 pm

You clearly don't actually play the game, much like Shadowing. I get the update, and support it, but I still am strongly against it for many reasons that I have said many times. Slaves are now pointless when they could have done this much better than resouces.

This doesn't make the game more challenging, it just means there is more farmvilling. Slaves for buildings provides more strategy.

Death to Cakes the farmviller.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
  • Sadeyes
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Dec 17 2014 11:47 pm

Cakes, whoever you are. My post was asking for the game to work after every update. So if your post is a cheap shot at what I said get it right before you think you understand what I meant. If it was not a cheap shot, then reveal your player ID because it is damn head doing not knowing.

It's impossible. I hate it. It's evil. It's astonishing. I want to kiss it to death.