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  • Excellion
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Nov 25 2014 10:45 pm


When a player chooses to reset, a system message should appear stating "Player X choose to escape through the stargate...."

Also, when the player resets it freezes all their assets and makes it available to the galaxy. Anyone can attack their planets and stations freely (no protection) for 24 hours. After that, all planets are vacated and stations deleted. The player who reset is otherwise frozen out of the game for the 24 hour time period similar to a vacation.

Why is this good?

1. It generates excitement! It can bring offline players online. It creates a race which is great for the game.

2. The game is about the active players. Often an upset player wants to get in a last "f u" to the active gamers. This game is, and always will be, about the active players who are staying, not the ones who are leaving.

It was great when, for a short time, Shadowing disabled the ability to reset on Chulak.

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Nov 25 2014 10:45 pm


But no to the galaxy thing...

And disable resets on chulak

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Nov 25 2014 10:51 pm

I agree, nothing worse than putting in the effort to hurt someone and they just reset when you took a 6 hour flight to hit them. There definitely should be a public shaming for choosing to reset to keep people from doing it less.

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Nov 25 2014 10:56 pm


but add in that all salvage from the 24hr freeze period out goes bye bye as well

meaning once you choose rset your depository is frooze and cant get any more naq added

whoop x2
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Nov 25 2014 11:17 pm

Hey I think this is a great idea. +1 from me.

  • Excellion
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Nov 26 2014 5:39 pm

One other suggestion...

When a player resets, have their max depot at 1 million. I thought that is they way it was when I started, but I don't see that limitation anymore.

On the one hand, we want to have an incentive for players coming back to the game, but on the other hand what you don't want to have is players "cash out" by selling their status, stations and other ingame assets for naq and putting millions in the depot. Recent examples:

Zerotee sold his stuff to Locutus who then gained dozens of stations, a bunch of warsats and status. Zerotee was able to get the obviation from all his lost fleet into the depot.

When Godanubis was ready to reset, he waited a day. The moment his main fleet was hit, giving him millions in obviation, he reset.

There should be a balance. The system is being manipulated. Limiting a reset player's depot to 1 mill or even 2 mill is reasonable. Having players come back with 5+ million in their depot...not so much.

Consider resetting often is an advantage for players. After a reset players often:

a. Go from 0 status to 500
b. Get a free tech reset
c. Get a free race/personality reset
d. Get a free name change along with anonymity

If a player resets with 6 mill in their depot, 800k can be spent on 10 SS which provide max attack value. The other 5.2 mill can be used however. On Chulak, a player should be able to reach max planets, or close, with that amount of naq with smart building and taking planets from other players. It's not balanced.

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Nov 28 2014 4:32 pm

There is a lot of good points Excellion has made. I had no idea about people waiting for fleet to be destroyed and then resetting. Also about selling their status and SS. I can understand people resetting to annoy those attacking, especially when under attack by more than 1 person. It can be really annoying when you spend hours in travel for nothing. Just imagine you have spent months building up a good number of troops, SS, and planets with warsats and advanced buildings. You do all of this without spending any real money only to have someone who has a sperate tab open, all his or her details, ready to buy. Thinks your stuff looks nice so I'll have that instead of taking all that time. For many the only victory they can get is to reset and deny the attacker their spoils.

I am split on this idea, I do see the good and the bad side of it.

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Nov 30 2014 3:07 am

I don't think it's a bad idea. Resetting isn't always, because one is losing. I rest because I wanted status, and was unable to without starting an alliance war. Now that I reset I'm able to gain status easy. It is also a great learning experience.