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Oct 17 2014 9:21 am

To the best of my knowledge, there is not any "bullying" happening on either server at this time. PE performed hard core bullying on Abyddos. I am proud to be a part of Invincible alliance, who stood up to PE and were able to stop the practice on Abyddos.

On Chulak, Immortals tried the same thing. Players like Enlil, Jacob, Sonic and others were blackmailed, threatened with reset and bullied. There is no place for such activity in a good game. Once again, Invincible stepped up when others did not to fight these behaviors and stop the bullying.

Last week, Immortals approached us and requested peace. We regret that we did grant them peace for a few days to discuss the topic. They used that time to once again bully other players, taking a large percentage of Enlil's planets, as an example. We have since gone on the offensive against Immortals and will do whatever it takes to keep them from ruining the gaming experience of others.

If you experience bullying, say so in galaxy chat and here. We will do what we can to help. Typically, that would mean at the very least occupying the players involved so they can't continue the practice. If we can, we will take back planets and give them to the victims, although it may not be the same planets exactly.

To be clear, SS are open for all. Taking SS is not bullying but part of normal gameplay. Also, losing a few planets is also normal on Chulak. If a player has 100+ planets and loses 20, that sucks, but it doesn't reach the point of bullying. Losing 50%+ certainly does. There is no hard and fast rule but each situation can be examined independently.

A final note. Each player should take responsibility for themselves. You should ensure your planets are reasonably well defended. If you have a gated planet with 1 gate defense, frankly, you deserve to lose it. You are saying to the galaxy that you don't value the planet. An Onac can often take the planet with 1 glider and zero loss.

As you look throughout the galaxy, you may notice some planets left by players such as Blue Army ally or Rampage Elite ally where the players have been gone for over a month yet their planets remain untouched. Why? They typically have 100 turrets / gate defense / space mines, along with defense stance and/or efficiency boosts. These strong defensive setups makes it unprofitable for most players to take these planets. Accordingly, they get left alone.

100 space mines = it will take players an extra 5 hours to attack your planet.
100 turrets = players must face 500k base damage
100 gate defense = 500k base damage

Defense stance increases all of the above damage by 35%
Efficiency increases the effectiveness of the above damage and times. If you have 20% efficiency from being an architect with the above setup, then your space mines will slow attackers down by 6 hours instead of 5, and your gate/turrets will provide 600k defense instead of 500k.

MOST of the issues were players feel bullied are due to a poor defensive setup.

Good luck and have fun!

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Oct 17 2014 9:30 am

I like your StYle! :)

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Oct 17 2014 5:11 pm


Get over yourself.

Let's move on to the real problem at hand.... ISIS has started threatneing Canadians after Harper (the tard) said that we would be aiding America in this war.

And in response to that thing you said about Rampage Elite. Let me point out that it was a member of your "Invincible" alliance that made them quit.

And if taking things makes you a "bully", you're one of the biggest bullies in the game. You spent a lot of money to take things from people and at one point even had in your profile on Abydose something along the lines of: "If I take something from you, don't freak out,it's just the game. If you try to take it back I will take away one war sat a day and give it to my ally until you stop." Those poor much smaller, less active players.

Luv u, but stop this bull cha'tii .

@Voldy = Biggest House fan.
@Excellion = Biggest wannabe House fan. (Studies it with pen and pencil so that he can claim to know everything and pretends that makes him a true fan. Pathetic.)
^Rampage Elite^ = Huge spenders, non aggressors, wiped out by other big spenders to the point that they quit the game before ever starting to play it.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Oct 17 2014 5:54 pm

What complete bs! You are likely thrilled that a country like Canada would even be mentioned in international news over the ISIS issue. Don't pretend for a second otherwise.

Taking items (SS / planets) does not make you a bully. It is a video game and taking items is part of the game. I clearly stated as such above. Repeatedly taking so many items from a single player to the point they are reset or otherwise can't play, that's something else.

I clearly stated how taking a player's SS or a lower percentage of their planets does not make you a bully either. Some players freak out when you take their SS or a couple planets. I have never once bullied any player on any level unless it was in DIRECT response to them bullying me or another player. Even in those cases, I am always open to stopping as long as full restitution is made. I have often sent messages to players prior to attacks asking if they are active, or sharing why I was attacking them.

"Luv u, but stop this bull cha'tii" - You must show me the love every day. Love me long time, ok?

"@Voldy = Biggest House fan.
@Excellion = Biggest wannabe House fan. (Studies it with pen and pencil so that he can claim to know everything and pretends that makes him a true fan. Pathetic.)"

Bull cha'tii . I watch the show and love the details. Your brain is apparently too fried to even remember the major points of each episode. Heck, even when I ask the most basic questions you have no idea. "What is 13's real character name" and you have no clue (Remy Hadley). Heck, if I asked you what her character's middle name is, THAT would be a great trivia question but not knowing her first name? You make me sad.

"^Rampage Elite^ = Huge spenders, non aggressors, wiped out by other big spenders to the point that they quit the game before ever starting to play it." - yes, but why even bring them up at all? The SOLE reason I mentioned their name was to share their planets were set up with decent defense. You KNOW there are many players who are clueless on this topic and I am trying to help them. Why they quit is irrelevant to this conversation. Focus!

If you are unhappy about your government, do something about it. Go troll them.

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Oct 17 2014 6:05 pm

How can I troll Stephan Harper? He doesn't do cha'tii . No idea where he is...

And I mentioned Rampage Elite because it is a perfect example of the exact "bullying" you have been talking about.

Back the the first thing I said....Pathetic.

Get over yourself.

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Oct 17 2014 6:13 pm

Voldy for your information no one bullied them. They bought a bunch of stuff with their money and got into everyones range. I started taking stations and they defended and lost all their troops. All i took was stations and then they quit. They lost once and quit. No body even started taking planets from them at that point.

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Oct 17 2014 6:14 pm

Either way... Excellion needs to stop with these forum posts about how much of a hero his is. I'm pretty sure everyone is getting sick of them. I'm not, I find them funny and a perfect place for me to give Excellion a hard time instead of the other way around.

I mean, what was the point of this post other then to brag about what a hero you are? Save that for galaxy chat where it belongs. Posting something like that in the forum is just distasteful.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Oct 17 2014 6:34 pm

Lol ever time pe pe pe pe.Pe is still alive for I still play the game but ya whats in the past is that (in the past) now back to someone adding in that stock market =]

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Oct 17 2014 6:37 pm

He fixed it. No need for translation any longer.

This post has been deleted.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Oct 17 2014 6:50 pm

"I mean, what was the point of this post other then to brag about what a hero you are?"

What the hell?

#1 - The main point was to ensure any player who is bullied SPEAKS UP. I don't always read through all of galaxy chat for various reasons. It's also full of bs like some poor shol'va from the UK who, for hours and days, has been troll'd to death about being from North Dakota. It was amusing for 20 minutes but wow.

#2 - I also shared information which is clearly helpful and needed for many players who have REALLY bad defensive setups. I know it makes it harder on you and others to take their planets and SS if they play better, but the game would be better if everyone understood these gaming basics.

Let's just for a moment stop and assume you are right (which you aren't by the way) and the sole reason for this post was to somehow glorify myself or our ally. Even IF that was the case, I kindly suggest we earned it. Everyone grumbled about how Abyddos sucked and PE ruined the game....but NO ONE did anything about it. NO ONE. The same crap began happening on Chulak and again NO ONE stood up to it. We are trying to make a positive difference and, in doing so, show players they don't have to play in fear.

On Abyddos, we had 12 players in Invincible where PE had 25. PE had every advantage in game with respect to many times our combined nw and status. On Chulak, Myrddin alone has more nw than our whole ally combined, not to mention the others. Nevertheless, we stood up to the bull cha'tii . So even if this was some form of self-glorification post, it is well deserved. Just like Canada should be more appreciative of the daily peace it receives as a result of being America's neighbor, you may want to through some appreciation our way too Voldy. Your ally leader Intrelzar was blackmailed and told he either had to buy Myrddin a warsat or be reset. He had to go into protection mode. We started fighting Immortals while Intrelzar was in protection. If we didn't fight them, they would have surely made good on their threat and Intrelzar wouldn't be playing right now.

"Save that for galaxy chat where it belongs. Posting something like that in the forum is just distasteful." - What? You troll bs in galaxy chat all the time but posting something meaningful in forums is distasteful? Your Canadian taste buds can't distinguish between a Big Mac and a steak. Shoo.

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Oct 17 2014 6:54 pm

Not trying to cause cha'tii or anything good post but pe did a warlord 2.0 at the end olek was ban most quit or didn't figet bask some left some ask for peace yes you won a war agast pe but what really killed them was being on top too long aka they where board yes you hit them at a great time (warlord 2.0) but at there full force you guys would of been wipe out just n my 2 cents tho I agree with ur bully post

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Oct 17 2014 7:00 pm

Thank you Hami.

We don't need any credit on any level related to PE. I am not saying "hey, we are the greatest, we kicked PE's ass" but I am sharing the one indisputable fact, we stood up to them. It all starts there.

I only ask two things of players:

1. Do your best to defend yourselves by educating yourself about the game and how to set up your planets. You don't need 100 homes, 100 guard posts or 100 observatories. You do NEED 100 gate defense if you have a gated planet. You NEED 100 space mines or 100 turrets as a deterrent (or both) for non-gated planets.

2. If you lose a few planets, that's the game, deal with it. If you can't deal with it yourself, consider joining an ally or speaking with others who may be fighting your attacker. If after trying your best you are being pummeled to the point where you feel like quitting, or if you are being threatened with reset, SPEAK UP!

I hunt the sheep of war...
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