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  • Quidproquo
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  • We all want something: QuidProQuo.
Sep 27 2014 3:56 pm

The title is a scene from billy madison, watch it.

Now on to business. This Nakpak crap needs to stop. It is truly one thing to be loyal to one's own cause and help their team. However it is Quite another thing to join up with your enemies just to get a ton of naquadah doomed to a shelf-life. i have posted in Cjamieson99's topic about this same thing.

Topic is here: http://www.26horses.com/forum/?page=topic&data=1327

Excellion was right in bringing a counter-point to what I had to say. I forgot that these things only last a week. I think this time I have a better idea. Make the Nakpak a once a week thing. I mean for the whole alliance. So as an example:

Dumb, dumber, dumberer, moe, larry, curly and.... jeff(imaginary is better than shemp) start an alliance to spam naqpaks.

Dumb buys the first one giving everyone a nice boost. Then dumber tries to buy it and notices a red-lettered message that says "This has already been bought for this alliance this week." BOOM fixed. Seven angry people and balance is restored. If you think one a week is too weak then how about 2-3 being allowed before the message pops up.

If you find a problem with this let me know. I think it is a good Idea.

Also check out my other (important) posts, here:

OR check out the random apocolypses here:




The chosen one, savior, and ultimate survivor. Will work for zambooki(coffee+vodka)
  • Kaarramma
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  • Nefertiti (you figure it out!)
Sep 27 2014 5:01 pm

Remember, this game is also a business and needs to make $.
You are trying to tell the owner to limit the amount of cash
flow he can make, fair? Maybe not to you or a few others, one
thing remains which equals out the game and that is NW. Meaning
you can wallet lord up to 1,000,000 nw (hooray) but you will be
all alone up there with no one to play with. The real game starts
in the lower numbers, real numbers matter. So go ahead and wallet
lord up, I will wave at you passing by me with an evil grin.
Tactics matter!

Life begins as a spark, I am the mother of many more to come!
  • Cjamieson99
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Sep 27 2014 8:00 pm

Nefertiti... that post was just... Really has nothing to do with anything. It was like a long excuse. The part about Shadowing needing to make money is true, but he needs to have a good game first, or else he doesn't money at all.

The part about wallet lording up to 1000 networth and being there alone is just bull cha'tii and you know it. You can keep your networth low and a full depository of 4 MILLION naquadah and just go around destroying everybody and then buying back your 30k net to do it again. There's nothing anyone you attack can do (See why Excellion hates Zerotee), you buy every thing back and take every thing, regardless if you lost, from the now fleetless player.

Zerotee suicided his entire fleet into Intrelzar, knowing he would lose, and just let let Intrelzar and us lose our fleets defending in a war. He then bought back and resent the exact same attack, which we could no longer defend against. This is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with what Nefertiti just said and she is WELL ware of that.

So nothing against you, neffleupagus, You're still my second favourite special lady friend around. But that post need to be corrected. That is not at all the issue that Quidprquo is concerned with.

It's one thing to do what Nefertiti and Demogorgon and many others do, which is stay low and spend a little bit here and there if you need it, but most comes from salvage. It's a whole different story if you have 3 million naq in your depository and are going around suiciding into, and then taking peoples stuff. There's a saying for that, it's called "Making people quite."

Sorry for a sloppy post. My cat is hungry and rubbing against my arms and legs and putting his paws on the keyboard. Gotta go feed the little bugger. Please enjoy these cute photos of him and elevator music while you await my return:




Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!