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  • Dissenter
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Sep 24 2014 4:05 am

We all know the trivia questions are causing a lot of people to get annoyed and upset. On a daily basis, people feel like they had the correct answer but are told they are not. After double and triple checking, we are all finding Demogorgon is making a lot of mistakes. Worse is that people do not trust him to do the right thing. He has had enough time to earn peoples trust in this matter, but has instead done exactly the opposite.

I have won naqidah on a daily basis and not getting an answer isn't going to hurt me. I'll get the next one, or the one after. I'm certainly not complaining for lack of winning. I've probably won as much as anyone. Simply put, it is causing problems.

At the very least, Demogorgon needs an editor to confirm his questions are worded correctly, and that the answers are correct. He is constantly making mistakes, and in general doesn't sound very well educated(I have a G.E.D.). I actually thought that English was his second language. Personally I would be happy with this, but I think a significant part of the games' community distrusts him. I recommend Shadowing does them himself or just get rid of them altogether.

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Sep 24 2014 4:12 am

Shhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaad Uuup!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sep 24 2014 4:26 am

I love how you go to low blows by saying I am not educated. I'm not going to go fight spit balls with you but I am always open to ideas. Ideas without Prejudice like name calling.

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Sep 24 2014 4:26 am

Personally I think this just got all out of hand. Demo got (not necessarily unfounded) defensive. He decided how he was going to respond to it and it backfired a bit, escalated and kept going.

I don't think he needs an editor - but I do think a little flexibility on his part would have helped. The problem was a miswritten 'a' which suggested a single answer rather than 2 words. Human mistake. I see spelling by many people and it makes me wince. Dissing on him isn't going to help.

I like the trivia - I like trying to answer - before tonight - I never saw such a drama fest like this one. I think we all should just try a little more patience.

I don't know - I have a feeling some of my lovies are going to make suggestive comments about my post and some of the words used. Hopefully you all get the gist and the spirit in which I'm writing this.

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Sep 24 2014 8:46 am

I agree it has gotten out of hand. The problem is that it is ongoing and he refuses to admit he could use some help, despite people getting frustrated by his wording daily. I started with a suggestion he could use an editor but he got angry and it got out of hand. Everyone makes mistakes. Even the best Authors have editors. TV shows have editors. Movies. Magazines. Even cereal box designs. Everything has editors. For some reason he was very offended at the idea he might need one. I made a few attempts at gently suggesting he should have some help, but each time was ignored or met with aggression. Eventually my words got harsher. Can you blame me?

While my words have been blunt, they are my opinion. I felt we were past the time for gentle nudges as they did not work and he only got mad at...well...a lot of different people for 'constructive criticism'. Most of them people I don't know, I might add. To be frank, he threw temper tantrums and at times called people names I will not repeat.

Further more, while Demo mentioned in this thread I took a shot at him. I would like to clarify. I spoke my mind in the most polite, censored, politically correct way I could say it. Sorry but I felt it needed to be said. It reflects on Shadowing when the trivia questions are poorly worded, have bad grammar, and rewards for incorrect answers.

'Nuf said.

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Sep 24 2014 4:00 pm

I actually like the trivia, it adds an intellectual challenge to the game. Sure he might mess up but nobody is perfect. While dissenter has some points, I say my vote is to keep the trivia. This is shorter than my usual posts but , I haven't had my coffee yet.... JAVA! KREE!!!

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Sep 24 2014 6:23 pm

If he can stop making the outcome of every question so god damn personal, then I say let him do it. His questions will improve with time. Last night he used his trivia privileges to create his own form of punishment, and that is where I would draw the line.

Demogorgon, you claim to be an admin, which you are not until shadowing says so. You seem to think you are as important to this game as shadowing because you do the trivia, you are not. Anybody can do this simple trivia question game, and without all the unneeded drama that comes along with you. From what I have observed, you tend to do things to get an edge over people and an excuse to say you're better then them. I truly do not believe that you do these things to give back to the game or because you're so great, I believe you do it to hold it over everyone elses head and say, "I'm important to this game, I give back. And what do you do? Nothing. This game doesn't need you."

That last quote is something he said to Gdozer a while back. That is where I went from thinking he was alright, to not liking him.

It's a trivia game, the most trivial game you can get. Grow up and realize that what you're doing can help the game if you want it to, but using it to say your better then other people at every chance you get (10 shel kree ing times a day) does more harm then good.

In my opinion, Demogorgon should be given one last chance in his trivia, that Shadowing needs to tell him his position is just asking questions to make the game a better place, and to leave the drama out of the questions. Otherwise, if this keeps up, we're going to need a complaint box specifically for DemogorgonJeprody. And that's just shel kree ing stupid.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
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Sep 24 2014 7:16 pm

I think the trivia questions are pretty cool. This is a stargate game after all and I think it adds to feel. Shadowing said he made this to reward for activity and I think that is cool. I must admit their has been a few times where I questioned the wording of demo's questions but I think he is doing a good job overall. I also think that their is a few times where he had questionable judgements on whether things are right or not. That was mostly at the beginning though. I have not seen any other problems then that. So hopefully some sort of solution can be devised without getting rid of trivia completely.

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Sep 24 2014 7:23 pm

Nobody wants to get rid of trivia, nobody but Demogorgon who just wants to do it to complain. If Demogorgon truly wants to quit, we don't have to get rid of trivia all together, somebody else can do it. Or shadowing can make mini games with naq prizes once a day instead like he talked about. If you look at the mini games already, there is a stargate trivia there now. Boom problem solved.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!