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Sep 13 2014 11:41 pm

Who is/was zero or z3ro? I have seen some posts about him/her and I have to say I'm curious. I was told I will most likely get hate mail or something for asking. But if you are told not to do something...... ya' know?

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Sep 13 2014 11:44 pm

hey zero long time no see hows the furry thing coming along

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Sep 13 2014 11:52 pm

That's what I was warned against. But still I asked against my better judgement. The world is seldom nice.

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Sep 14 2014 12:07 am

I know Zero on a personal basis, and I was in quite a few alliances with him back in the day. Even though he hasn't played the game in a while, we still videochat on skype quite regularly. I don't know where you got the misinformation that he shel kree s animals, but I can assure you that he is most certainly not a furry. This is more than likely an ill-worded outburst of some underlying bitterness you may or may not have towards the mention of his name.

As for your question, I cannot answer. He is different things to different people. Some people love him, some people hate him. Some people are impartial. All I can say is, he was a rising member of the galaxy that was better known than others, and was forced out of the game a few months back because the people we were at war with at the time chose to be children and bring his facebook and his personal life into the game. He (obviously) quit after this, as it was a bit much. I hope I was of some help.

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Sep 14 2014 12:38 am

Been playing for a few months and never heard of him so he can't be too important.

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Sep 14 2014 12:51 am

So, everyone is kinda mixed on them. got it, very touchy subject.

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Sep 14 2014 1:06 am

LOOL! Z3r0 messaged me the other day actually.

Blame Hamiler.

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Sep 14 2014 2:03 am

god we prove he was a furry and he cant let it go so what if hes a furry whatever gets him off is up to him no reason for him to hide under a rock

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Sep 15 2014 1:16 am

Hamiler, shut your little g(r)ay mouth. You are just sad because you can't shel-kree a tribble you trekkie pervert. Leave Z3r0 alone after this point. Just because you have a sad virgin life doesn't mean you have to pick on everyone else with a sad virgin life *shakes head sadly and slowly*. Why don't you finally get your middle-age tookus back to college, study genetics, and make your own damn self a tribble lover. then you can get over your fixation on your fantasy of Z3r0 as a tribble

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Sep 15 2014 1:32 am

Frick you, LordWayob. You necrophiliac blood Cu*t . Go beat off on some more small critters from cartoons, you critter shel kree ing tal lak ! You make Sadeyes and his boyfriend cry. Frick you, LordCritter shel kree ingBloodBiichWayob.


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Sep 19 2014 12:24 am

Yeah, stop making us cry or I will throw a hissy fit and won't help you choose clothes out when we shop :) LMFAO hahahahahaha.

As for Z3ro, I saw him around and argue with people just the normal chat stuff. He came back as someone else a while back but was either reset or reset himself. I did not know or chat with him enough to give you a proper opinion. So to me, he was well known by many but how he acted I can't remember.

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