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Jul 04 2014 7:15 pm

Galaxy News, I feel its un-needed and has and will be used to target specific players. No one needs to know if (name here) just made a Station or any of the other in game items, no one needs to know if (name here) lost a flag ship or a sector. Part of playing is being slealthy, this system is currently used to either mock and make jabs at the losers or used to point out somebody that could be targeted. If I attack and take a station the whole world doesn't need to know, Shadowing please remove this.
Thank you.

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Jul 04 2014 7:24 pm

i think it needs to be taken out too

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Jul 04 2014 7:34 pm

Agreed! i find it unless too...

Stargate29fan - Aka "Yugi" :P
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Jul 04 2014 7:35 pm

Myself and others use the galaxy news daily. It is not only a very useful tool in game, but it aligns perfectly with the Stargate series.

Goa'ulds always mentioned "I heard you took out <insert goa'uld's name> fleet".

There is always talk among the system lords and jaffa.

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Jul 05 2014 12:42 am

Also, it doesnt mention when you build a station, only when you attack it and take one over

thats also useful for if a person attacks an alliance member, as its the only method for alliance members to find out without direct communication, which can take awhile

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Jul 05 2014 8:03 am

It would be OK if it didn't show any locations.

Other than that it adds some depth to the game, your spy network would find this information out and tell the ruler.

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Jul 05 2014 9:38 am

I don't think you guys understand that the locations are shown for a reason. Shadowing is even more of a cha'tii disturber then myself, he wants war, his whole idea behind the stations was to have "station wars" and to have multiple stations being stolen each day; the location means that if you take a station people can target you and you can't just hide, it stirs the galactic pot.

The galaxy news is a good thing, it's the only thing that really shows who's powerful and who's a gonach in the galaxy. Status is meaningless since most of the people with the most status got theirs from status boosting back before he changed that and didn't reset everyone to 0, and stations are useless because there are people that have literally bought their way onto the system lord council and bought over 25 stations. Galaxy news shows who is actually taking stations and winning battles.

Though, I don't know why it needs to show who's building a war satellite anymore, I guess it's to show who has a lot of naq, but that doesn't really matter since everyone is making 200+ a cycle, lol. Flag ships are good because that show's who is a worthy opponent.

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