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Jun 30 2014 10:18 pm

Since this building is useless do to the recent update, it needs to be changed to do something useful. Shadowing, you could make the building give advanced tech points.

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Jun 30 2014 10:19 pm

not adv but ach points please, as most members have paid for all 100 adv points

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Jun 30 2014 10:34 pm

First of all, most players have not purchased 100 adv pts. But to help players who have perhaps there could be a choice on which type the player wants. The issue would be how many pts to give for each type.

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Jun 30 2014 11:04 pm


1. Refund the NAQ. Players can then spend their naq freely. This seems the most viable option.

2. Offer credit for other Adv Buildings. Some players may be max'd out so it is likely best to go with option 1.

3. Allow the building to get an extra 10 Advance tech points (and this method is the only option for exceeding 100 adv tech points). Even if players did have 10 buildings, the Adv tech point system max's out at 210.

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Jul 01 2014 1:26 am

Maybe you TRY asking for advanced building gives 1 Advance tech (so max of 10) so the ppl who have spent money on how ever many Adv tech points are more likely to accept it and the ppl that have spent money buying all 100 wont feel totally cheated and ripped off by you suggestion :/

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Jul 01 2014 1:53 am

Intrelzar, the math would be horrible on that.

You can by 5 adv points for $5, so $1/point.

The building cost 110k naq which presently is $20 per 200,000. For simple math let's say it is $10 per building. So the math works perfectly with the suggestion I shared.

With your suggestion, it would cost a player over $100 to get 10 points he could otherwise get with $10.

Not trying to bring up the money part of the game except to respond, and also the only way to get these techs anyway is with $$

I hunt the sheep of war...