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  • Hamiler
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Jun 29 2014 9:04 pm

hello i was wounding what you guys thoght about the stock market in when it comes back what you would like to see in it

*myself i would like to see something where even if a player cant spend a dime in game he can make a lot of naq from it,so here are a few ideas*

add resources- i dont know what you would add but maybe one day make it where 1 ship needs this amont of X and amont of B,Z to make (not sure or can be use for other reasons)
like in are world today resources can casue many wars and would make the game have more strategy.Anyways the player could buy some company*like thing* stock and say theres a war and say item A is use in building ships that stock will go up as people start to lose ships and need to re build them

A other idea that i think was in the game was base off NW so in short you could buy players? stock and if they go up in NW you make money cool cool we can also get galxy money going with maybe each race haveing there own money (backed by whatever) and we can start doing some calls and puts and start doing some forexing
anyways this was just a thoght i wanted to write down.

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  • Sobek
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Jun 29 2014 10:19 pm

Not sure if I'm crazy about investing in players but I LOVE the idea of incorporating resources into the stock market. Would be like a simplified version of commodities trading in real life (and a great way to help incorporate other resources besides naq into the game).

We're on the verge of being more than just a hack and slash game, I can feel it! So close, haha.

2ic: Shadows Dragoons (Original TFO, founded Aschen Empire and Volian Union)
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Jun 30 2014 8:33 am

LOL, Sobek, I know you're going to invest in me. Honestly, I think a lot of the new players would invest in me--they kind of idolise me. I'm somewhat of a icon to the non-spenders. It's really quite amusing, and flattering.

I would invest in toddthewraith, he's a shel kree ing champ! Oh yeah, and that lordozwald, he's pretty shel kree ing beastly now.

Hamiler, you and black can invest in me killing jadonpc!!!


Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!