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  • Sharkie98
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May 26 2014 2:45 pm

I am writting this as a final goodbye to all my fellow Warlords, allies and friends in this game. I was introduced to Stargate over 2 years ago and then by chance stumbled onto this game and when I started to play this it was an amazing game. It was my first online game I played as all other online games was usually about how big your wallet was, and unfortunaely this has turned out the same.

Before reset and also a limited time after reset it was great and one of your biggest achivments was creating a mothership unlike now when you can buy 11 motherships at the click of a button after buying the requered naq.

I became a Warlord after I Kynell was so graciose to invite me into the Warlords and I will always stay a Warlord as the Warlords was the dominating Alliance before the market came in due to us working together as 1 team and always willing to help each other.

But now this game has turned into the bigger your wallet is the stronger you are, and that is not why I started in the first place. I know Shadowing needs funding for the game and hence I also purchased in the market, but having a life outside the game I need to spend my money on other things and dont have thousands of dollars to throw at the game just to buy myself to the number 1 spot like certain people and we all know who that is without me needing to name any names.

I got both Frodo and Zena involved in this game and both of them are leaving / already left as well due to this. There is no point to play a game where you can't progress anymore due to the fact that you dont have the money to do so.

I have met some great guys and girls and in no spesific order they are Kynell, Redeyedragon (hilarious guy) Scrow, Herrbalazs, Cain, Zorc, Sadeyes, Moneyseal, Nanako and Binar plus many others I have spoken to ingame.

My advice for new players is the following. If you just want to enjoy a quiet game keep your networth down and dont do anything to attrack attention to yourself like building a space station as it will make you a target and if you dont have the money to protect yourself enjoy the reset. And if you do have the money make sure you have a couple of thousand dollars to compete agains people who cant beat you normally and have to resort into buying stuff to be number one.

As for my final act before leaving I will do one last mission alongside my fellow Warlords.

Good bye all and Warlords God speed.

Ps. I know there are some people who is going to moan about this and you can go screw yourselfs :)

  • Cjamieson99
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May 26 2014 2:46 pm

Sorry to see you go. You've always been one of my favourites.

Kelac! #1 cheater in the game, but you'll never catch me!
  • Denaragor
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May 26 2014 3:00 pm

Finally its happening.

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  • yarg
May 26 2014 3:02 pm

hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave... hah j/k sucks you are leaving though man, maybe we will see you back here one day after races come out or something :\

  • Kynell
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May 26 2014 3:12 pm

im with you sharkie I quitting aswell just wait 3 days till protection ends so I can suicide everything at them like planned, wait for the bang!

  • Xiacon
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May 26 2014 5:02 pm

It's a shame you've decided to leave. The game isn't as bad as you make it out to be, even if it is different than it was before.

Though I have to mention, your advice to players is a bit hypocritical as Warlords have always done just that: killing noobs' flagships, taking advanced buildings small guys build, farming people and killing them if they dared to speak out against you etc.

As for what you said on spending money, I mostly agree with you there. The market hurts the game a lot in many ways and hopefully one day it will be more under control. The alliance packs in particular offered insanely cheap cash to naq ratios which served to drive a massive hole between alliances with members willing to spend money and those who weren't. However you seem to be implying that you're quitting partially because you feel the only reason you are losing the war is because PE just kept buying stuff, which couldn't be farther from the truth. Plenty of Warlords spent just as much as we did in this war (which isn't actually all that much).

Anyways, I'll end the ranting there. I really am disappointed to see you leave, the game needs all the active players it can get. But it seems you've made up your mind, so good luck in whatever you continue on to do. Maybe one day you'll return and find the game more to your liking once again.

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  • Joma secu
May 26 2014 5:26 pm

So long Mr Sharkie good luck out there =(

Joma secu
  • Gdozer
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  • GDozer, The Indomitable
May 26 2014 5:58 pm

Good luck Sharkie, twas a pleasure.

  • Climbingsniper01
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  • Frodo
May 26 2014 6:35 pm

Pretty much the same reason why I left. I had a good time at the start but towards the end it became pointless and the only way to get any where is by spending money and for me that ruined it.

  • Ra8472
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May 27 2014 5:02 pm

you are a good fighter sharkie sorry to see you go

I hunt the hunters of hunting hunted sheep or something.